Now showing items 1-10 of 23
An Assessment of Wadis as Suitable for Wastewater Treatment, in a Semi-Arid Region with Limited Data Access – Aleppo, Syria
As a consequence of the conflict in Syria, the wastewater treatment plant in southwestern
Aleppo has not been fully functioning since 2013, and wastewater is released into the Queiq
River without adequate treatment. ...
Distribution of salinity measurements and salinity variations on shelf- and in fjord waters, around Svalbard - throughout the last century
Salinity data are an important component of the climate models that seek out to predict the climate
variability. This data, of direct measurements, are scattered and needs to be assembled. This thesis
set out to gather ...
Återvätning av dikad torvmark
Klimatet förändras med ökad global temperatur och extrema värderevent till följd av
mänskliga utsläpp av växthusgaser. Förändring i markanvändningssektorn står för
24% av de totala årliga utsläppen globalt och av de ...
Saknade och oönskade turister - Lokalbefolkningens inställning till turism i en pandemi
Tourism impacts the places where it occurs, as well as the local population in these places.
Hence, it’s important to involve the local population in the planning of tourism and tourism
development. The level of involvement ...
Jämställdhet i sociala konsekvensanalyser. Inkludering av jämställdhet och planerarens grund.
Planning for a society where everyone feel at home and have the same chances is an
important part of the planners task. Based on a knowledge overview of gender equality and
social sustainability the use of gender equality ...
Vegetationsförändringar och permafrostförlust: två produkter av ett varmare klimat
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka hur vegetation i området kring Abisko,
beläget i Kiruna kommun, har förändrats mellan åren 2006 och 2016. Studien baseras på
inventeringar av vegetation från tre olika ...
A general description of cryoconite and its expected characteristics and origin at the glacier Nigardsbreen, Norway - A research proposal
Dark dust accumulates on the surfaces of glaciers ablation zones where it aggregates and forms
cryoconite. Inorganic content, often silicate minerals, and organic matter, including wind-blown pollen
and plant fragments ...
Grímsvötn ash layers, a 3D modeling GPR investigation of the englacial debris within the Vatnajökull ice cap
In this report, three-dimensional (3D) modeling is used to facilitate Ground
Penetrating Radar (GPR) imagery of the Vatnajökull ice cap, finding and mapping the
englacial layers of tephra recorded in the stratigraphy ...
Spår längs Hökensås av Tidanissjöns utveckling och existens
During deglaciation, ice-dammed lakes formed in front of the retreating ice margin. Between
Billingen and Hökensås, and south of the middle Swedish end-moraine-zone, a depression
exists. In this area an ice-dammed lake ...
2D plain strain, pure shear deformation experiments in ice – Preparation of strain gauges teaching material for undergraduate students
In this report I explore the viability of using an ice thin section with carbon dioxide inclusions as a
material for students to practice the Fry- and Rf/Φ strain analysis methods. The use of this material
allows the ...