Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Temperaturens inverkan på vinterförluster hso svenska honungsbin
Insects, such as the honey bee, play a fundamental part in pollination of both wild plants and in
agriculture and thereby a large part in the food supply for mankind. Declining numbers have
been observed for both honey ...
Metoder för bestämning av grävda brunnars influensradie. En fallstudie i dissonans mellan teori och praktik på Kosteröarna
The Koster Islands consists of two archipelago islands situated west of Strömstad, on the westcoast
of Sweden. A popular tourist destination, the islands’ population can rise to over 6 000
on a hot summer day, in contrast ...
Snödjupsfördelningens och snödensitetens påverkan på palsdegradationen i Vissatvuopmi, Saarikoski, Lappland
Palsas are mounds of permafrost and or peat/mineralsoil that occurs in areas with
discontinuos permafrost. Palsas has a natural development but in recent decades in step with
the global warming, an increased degradation ...
Potassium-, Uranium- and Thorium-concentrations in bedrock. A study of the Sahlgrenska Anomaly and Änggårdsbergen, Gothenburg
This study investigates the RA-granite (also known as Kärra Granite), which form a northsouth
trending intrusive body traversing Gothenburg. The spatial distribution of the
radioactive elements K, U and Th in RA-granite ...
"Parker är för sommarväder" En fallstudie om tillgänglighet i grönområden och parker vid dåligt väder
In the City of Gothenburg, there is a constant development of the city's space and landscape in
order to create the best environment for the population and its visitors. Gothenburg's goal is to
develop a city that increases ...
Greening och browning i Abisko 1986-2018
Verified studies show a trend in warming of global mean temperatures. This warming trend affects
the Arctic region with longer growing seasons and increased photosynthetic activity which is
linked to greening. Changes ...
Översvämningars påverkan på Göteborgs hamninlopp. - En studie baserad på framtidsscenarier
The mean sea level is expected to increase globally, with local variations, due to climate
change and according to IPCC´s scenario RCP 8,5 this will mean an increase of 0,7 meter in
Gothenburg, with the isostasy included. ...
Kartläggning av palsars inre struktur med hjälp av georadarteknik, i Vissátvuopmi, Sverige
Palsas are unique features limited to the boundaries of the Arctic, where a frozen core
through ice segregation and buoyancy forces an uplift in peat mires. The area of palsas in the
world is decreasing and the EU has ...
Torkan 2018 och dess påverkan på skogsvegeationen i Skogaryd och Västra Tunhem, Västra Götaland. - En satellitbaserad fjärranalysstudie
In the summer of 2018 Sweden was hit by a long-term drought that heavily affected the forest
with forest fires that lasted for several months. After the summer a lot of time and resources
were spent on forest fire ...
Ungdomars upplevelser av klimatförändringar. En fallstudie i Maputo, Mocambique
Climate change is an extremely topical issue in world politics currently discussed throughout
various arenas and levels. According to climate reports written by the IPCC, the World Health
Organization, (WHO) and the UN ...