dc.contributor.author | Magnusson, Anna | |
dc.contributor.author | Strandberg, Anna | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-06-28T06:51:41Z | |
dc.date.available | 2017-06-28T06:51:41Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017-06-28 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/2077/52746 | |
dc.description | Purpose: The purpose of this study was to find out to what degree music experience change
after a person gets a cochlear implant (CI) and determine whether it differs
between different groups such as hearing and music background, and what benefits
the person gets in their daily use of CI.
Method: The questionnaire was sent to 133 people on the basis of selection criteria that
the person at the time of surgery were at least 18 years old and that the surgery
was performed between 2011-2015 at Sahlgrenska University. The last criteria was
that the person must have been using their CI for at least one year. 76 people
responded and 70 of these responses were used in the study. 42 of the respondents
were women (60 %) and 28 (40%) were men. The age ranged between 21-90 years
with a mean age of 65.8 years.
Result: The result shows that the CI users listen to and appreciate music more after than
just before they got their CI, but not as much as before the impact of the hearing
loss. It differs between different groups in what degree of which they listen to
and enjoy the music after CI. Participants with sudden hearing loss appreciate
music less than those who had hearing loss since childhood or had a hearing loss
that was developed over a long time. There were also some differences between
the particitants musical background. A common opinion among the participants
were that in new, unknown music, the melodies were generally more difficult to
distinguish in comparison to old, familiar music. In addition, there were large
individual differences in how the participants described how the music sounded
with CI. | sv |
dc.description.abstract | Syfte: Syftet är att via en enkät kartlägga hur CI-användare upplever musik samt att
undersöka om dessa personers olika hörsel- och musikbakgrund och upplevda nytta
med CI påverkar musikupplevelsen.
Metod: Enkät skickades till 133 personer utifrån urvalskriterierna att individen skulle ha
varit minst 18 år vid operationstillfället och blivit opererad mellan 2011-2015 på
Sahgrenska Universitetssjukhus och därefter haft sitt CI minst ett år. 76 personer
svarade, av dessa svar kunde 70 användas. Av dessa var 42 kvinnor (60%) och 28
män (40%) med en ålder mellan 21-90 år och med en medelålder på 65,8 år.
Resultat: Resultatet visar att CI-användare lyssnar på och uppskattar musik mer efter CI än
strax innan, men aldrig lika mycket som innan hörselnedsättningen. Det skiljer
sig mellan olika individers hörselbakgrund i vilken grad de lyssnar och njuter
av musik efter CI. Det finns ett samband mellan tid med hörselnedsättning och
musikuppskattning. Ju längre tid med hörselnedsättning desto mer uppskattar
individen musik efter CI. Vilken musikbakgrund individen har verkar enligt studiens
resultat också ha viss betydelse för musikupplevelsen. I övrigt råder det stora
skillnader i hur individer beskriver hur musik låter med CI. Många tycker det
underlättar om musiken är bekant sedan tidigare.. | sv |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | 2017-003 | sv |
dc.subject | Cochlea implant | sv |
dc.subject | Music | sv |
dc.subject | Appreciation | sv |
dc.subject | Appraisal | sv |
dc.subject | Questionnaire | sv |
dc.subject | Perception | sv |
dc.subject | Musicperception | sv |
dc.subject | IOI-HA | sv |
dc.title | ATT LYSSNA PÅ MUSIK MED COCHLEAIMPLANTAT -En enkätstudie om musikupplevelse hos en grupp vuxna CI-användare | sv |
dc.title.alternative | LISTENING TO MUSIC WITH COCHLEAR IMPLANT – A questionnaire about music apprasial among a group of adult cochlea implant users. | sv |
dc.type | Text | |
dc.setspec.uppsok | Medicine | |
dc.type.uppsok | M2 | |
dc.contributor.department | Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi | swe |
dc.contributor.department | Gothenburg University/Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology | en |
dc.type.degree | Student essay | |