Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Media Echo Chambers: Selective Exposure and Confirmation Bias in Media Use, and its Consequences for Political Polarization
The new digital media landscape has created a high-choice media environment that has made it easier for people to find news and information that support their political beliefs and attitudes, and avoid news and information ...
Us Versus Them and the Role of the Media. The Influence of Media on Attitudes Toward Migration in Europe
During the last decade, migration has become one of the most salient and politicized issues in Europe, and even more so during and after the sharp rise in immigration in 2015. This issue appears to have consolidated a ...
Under the influence? Understanding media’s coverage of opinion polls and their effects on citizens and politicians
News media’s use of horse race polls is a defining feature of contemporary political reporting. This thesis investigates how the news media use these opinion polls and how this coverage can influence two of the most central ...
Voices in the arena: A Participation-Centred Study of Multivocal Risk and Crisis Communication
Contemporary risk and crisis communication take place in a complex multiplatform and multivocal environment, where numerous social media foster and facilitate online participation. Lay social media users are thus able to ...
News Publishers’ Innovation of Practices Amid Platform Dominance
To news publishers, digital platform companies (or “platforms”) such as Google and Meta present both benefits and risks. Platforms offer publishers certain functionalities and services that may be beneficial, but they have ...
Journalist '18. Huvudresultat från den svenska journalistundersökningen
(Göteborgs universitet, 2023-11-16)
Journalist ’18 är den sjunde nationella journalistundersökningen som sedan 1989 har genomförts vid institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation vid Göteborgs universitet (JMG). Undersökningen genomfördes som ...
Ett självmatande maskineri. En etnografisk studie av kommunikationsverksamheten i en svensk myndighet.
I denna avhandling undersöks kommunikation som ett samtida fenomen i offentlig förvaltning. Studien
har en etnografisk ansats och det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom observationer av
kommunikationsverksamheten ...
A talking matter: Discursive enactments of norms and tensions in a public participation process
This thesis is about public participation as a social practice and its discursive construction. Generally, previous research has depicted public participation as a tensional practice that is both praised and criticized. ...