Browsing Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences by Title
Now showing items 249-268 of 463
Making Sense of Negative Numbers
(2011-02-10)Numbers are abstract objects that we conceptualize and make sense of through metaphors. When negative numbers appear in school mathematics, some properties of number sense related to natural numbers become contradictory. ... -
Makt, kön och diskurser: En etnografisk studie om elevers aktörsskap och positioneringar i undervisningen
(2015-08-26)Abstract Title: Power, gender and discourse. An ethnographic study of pupils’ positioning in teaching Author: Kristina Lanå Language: Swedish with an English summary ISBN 978-91-7346-837-4 (tryckt) ISBN ... -
Map-reading and wayfinding
(1987) -
Matematikundervisningens konkreta gestaltning. En studie av kommunikationen lärare-elev och matematiklektionens didaktiska ramar
(2004)Adequate help from the teachers is required in order that the pupils reach the goals that are laid down in the guidelines of the school. It is therefore necessary that they master a mathematical theory relevant for their ... -
Mästarcoacherna. Att bli, vara och utvecklas som tränare inom svensk elitfotboll
(2016-04-08)This thesis aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of what it means to learn to become, be and develop as a coach in Swedish male professional football. The theoretical framework is inspired by sociocultural perspectives ... -
Measuring sensation seeking
(1990) -
Med kroppen som illustration: Hur förskolebarn prat-skapar naturvetenskap med hjälp av multimodala och kroppsförankrade förklaringar
(2019-01-25)The aim of this thesis is to combine three research areas, namely preschool, science and illustrations, in order to examine (a) how modes are combined when references to the body are made or the body as such are used to ... -
Mediekunnskap som mediekritikk
(2003) -
Mellan fakticitet och projekt : läs- och skrivsvårigheter och strävan att övervinna dem
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2005)In today’s society we regard it as a human right to be literate and literacy abilities are regarded as crucial; as a learning tool in education, and at work as a natural part of daily routines. We also need, as members of ...