Browsing Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences by Title
Now showing items 219-238 of 463
L3 Motivation
(2012-03-01)The purpose of this thesis was to study secondary school students’ motivation to learn a second foreign language in addition to English. In addition to the empirical investigation of L3 motivation over a program of study ... -
Language learning and technology. Student activities in web-based environments
(2013-04-03)The impact of the web as a communicative arena, based on the use of social software, has changed conditions for communication on all levels of society; privately, at work and in education. This has opened up for multicultural ... -
Lärande av rörelseförmåga i idrott och hälsa ur ett praktikutvecklande perspektiv
(2019-04-25)The aim of this investigation was to explore how the connections between teaching and learning about movement capability in the school subject physical education and health can be developed and transferred through research ... -
Lärandets skiftande innebörder : uttryckta av förskollärare i vidareutbildning
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2005)The aim of the study was to describe how pre-school teachers in further education create meaning in their own learning and how they participate in children’s learning. Three questions investigated in the study are: What ... -
Lärares arbetsglädje : Betydelsen av emotionell närvaro i det pedagogiska arbetet
(2014-03-19)This thesis aims to explore teachers’ ‘work enjoyment’ and thereby deepening our understanding of teachers’ work and professionality. Positive emotions in teachers’ work are an underestimated and under-researched dimension ... -
Lärares lärande i gränslandet mellan skolans och vetenskapens praktiker – Aktionsforskning som socialt lärande
(2024-05-23)The study aims at deepening the knowledge about how teachers learn as they collaborate to improve their teaching practices through action research. The research questions are as follows: How does teachers’ professional ... -
Lärares tal och barns nyfikenhet: Kommunikation om naturvetenskapliga innehåll i förskolan
(2011-05-20)The aim of this thesis is to generate new knowledge about how children and teachers communicate scientific contents in preschool. The general research question is formulated as: How do the object of learning and the act ... -
Lärarkulturer och professionskoder. En komparativ studie av idrottslärare i Sverige och Grekland
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2006)The present study focuses on the professional codes of physical education (PE) teachers in Swedish and Greek compulsory schools. Professional codes can be defined as rules that govern teachers’ constructions of discourses ... -
Lärarperspektiv på läsförståelse. En intervjustudie om undervisning i årskurs 4-6.
(2018-04-04)Abstract Title: Teacher perspective on reading comprehension. An Interview Study on Education in Grades 4-6 Author: Lena Eckerholm, 2018. Language: Swedish with an English summary. ISBN: 978-91-7346-959-3 ... -
Läroböcker, demokrati och medborgarskap. Konstruktioner i läroböcker i samhällskunskap för gymnasiet
(2019-03-07)Swedish citizenship education is charged with a double mission: socialization and education of democratic citizens. This means that textbooks exist in a field of tension between conveying content as true knowledge and ... -
Läsförmågan bland 9-10-åringar. Betydelsen av skolklimat, hem- och skolsamverkan, lärarkompetens och elevers hembakgrund
(2009-05-19)Title: Reading skills among 9-10 year olds. The importance of school climate, collaboration between school and home, teacher competence and pupils’ home background Language: Swedish, with summary in English Keywords: ... -
Learning Principalship: Becoming a Principal in a Swedish Context
(2022-04-26)Novice principals are expected to acquire professional skills by participating in education. Consequently, expectations are set for principal education to support novice principals in how to take on principalship. The aim ... -
Learning to argue in primary school: A sociocultural study of group discussions with argumentative tasks
(2024-08-30)The learning and development of argumentation as a social practice is considered to be fundamental for living in democratic societies. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the growing literature on children’s ...