Browsing Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences by Title
Now showing items 424-443 of 464
Trygga och otrygga platser – en etnografisk studie om våld och utsatthet bland barn i fritidshem
(2024-05-08)Skolvåld förekommer i alla länder och påverkar många barn i deras vardag. Det finns idag en omfattande svensk och internationell forskning om våld i olika skolmiljöer, men få studier som undersöker våld bland barn i ... -
Understandings of understanding : an inquiry concerning experiental conditions for developmental learning
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1999)This thesis is about understandings of understanding and has developed from previous research on study skill and conceptions of learning among participants in various forms of education. The purpose was to investigate ... -
Undervisning och lärande i naturvetenskap - Elevers lärande i relation till en forskningsbaserad undervisning om ljud, hörsel och hälsa
(2011-12-19)The aim of this thesis is to contribute to increased understanding of students’ learning about sound, hearing and auditory health. Concerning the health issue, researchers have highlighted the growing problem of loud sounds ... -
Ungdomars matval – erfarenheter, visioner och miljöargument i eget hushåll
(2012-05-28)The aim of this thesis is to increase the knowledge of how young people, who have recently formed their own household, reason about and present their food choices. The study sheds light on the process the young people ... -
Unicorns in moderation: gender and epistemology on stack overflow
(2024-02-23)Stack Exchange is a global knowledge sharing platform centred around programming, computer science, and a variety of other topics. It is a ubiquitous resource for coders and programmers. Knowledge sharing platforms, like ... -
Unpacking dominant discourses in higher education language policy
(2019-09-06)The overall purpose of the thesis is to investigate dominant discourses operating in the changing of HE concerning questions of language policy. It has been studied at a national level, analysing reports and government ... -
Uppdrag: Historia och demokrati. Perspektiv på studieresor till Förintelsens minnesplatser
(2023-12-15)Förintelsen som absolut moralisk referenspunkt i det senmoderna samhället innebär att undervisning och lärande om Förintelsen tillmäts stor vikt inom utbildningssektorn. Sedan millenniumskiftet har studieresor till ... -
Utvärdering Genom Uppföljning. Longitudinell individforskning under ett halvsekel
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2011) -
Utveckling och förändring i kommunal vuxenutbildning : en yrkeslivshistorisk ingång med berättelser om lärarbanor
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2006)Municipal adult education, development, restructuring, life history, teachers, narrative analysis, trajectory, plot, project -
Vad är religionslärarkunskap? En diskursanalys av trepartssamtal i lärarutbildningen
(2016-12-09)From an overall perspective, the aim of this thesis is to investigate teachers’ knowledge in relation to Swedish teacher education and to the school subject religious education (RE), by exploring constructions of essential ... -
Vad gör en skicklig lärare? En studie om kollegial handledning som utvecklingspraktik
(2014-02-19)What ‘make(s)’ a good teacher? A study of peer group mentoring as a practice of professional development. Keywords: teachers’ continuing professional development, peer group mentoring, practice architectures, Foucault, ... -
Vad möjliggör och begränsar en hållbar elitfriidrott? Aktionsforskning i elitidrottspraktiker inom Göteborgs friidrottsförbund
(2020-11-20)In athletics, there are few strategies for detecting and managing ill health and poor well-being. New innovative collaborations are needed for coaches to meet the challenge of promoting health and creating well-being among ... -
Vaghet och vanmakt – 20 år med kunskapskrav i den svenska skolan.
(2014-10-30)This thesis poses three questions about the Swedish national knowledge requirements, which have been in place in Swedish schools since 1994: How do teachers understand them? How do members of parliament understand ... -
Val-omröstning-styrning. En etnografisk studie om intentioner med, villkor för och utfall av barns inflytande i förskolan
(2020-05-04)This thesis takes its point of departure in an interest in exploring how children’s participation is expressed in policy texts as well as in preschool practice. Participation can be viewed as a discourse of considerable ... -
Variation och invarians i Maria Montessoris sinnestränande materiel
(2012-10-20)The purpose of this study was to analyse the Montessori pedagogy with the objective to theoretically describe and explain the Montessori pedagogical method. The aim has been to find an answer to what still makes the ...