Browsing Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences by Title
Now showing items 404-423 of 464
Teachers' work in times of restructuring: On contextual influences for collegiality and professionality.
(2019-04-18)The research in this thesis is situated in the intersection of teachers’ work and contexts of education. It departs from an interest in contextual influences on teachers’ work and professionality under restructuring. It ... -
Teaching and learning mathematics with integrated small-group discussions. A learning study about scaling geometric figures
(2022-11-09)The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the relationship between teaching and student learning in mathematics when small-group discussions are used in teaching. This thesis focuses on student ... -
Teaching systems of linear equations in Sweden and China: What is made possible to learn?
(2008)A starting point for this study was an aim to understand better the relationbetween teaching and learning of mathematics. This interest was based onthe assumption that what is possible for students to learn about mathematicsmust ... -
Television and food in the lives of young children
(2014-03-13)Several mechanisms have been proposed behind the associations between screens and overweight including sedentary behaviour, eating while viewing, and exposure to commercials. Aspects of this association as underlying social ... -
The concept concept in mathematics education: A concept analysis
(2020-08-21)The notion concept is used in different ways within the field of mathematics education. The aim of this study is to carry out a concept analysis of the notion concept, within some frequently used frameworks describing ... -
The Dynamic Development of Cognitive and Socioemotional Traits and Their Effects on School Grades and Risk of Unemployment
(2017-10-13)The purpose of this thesis is to examine the dynamic development of cognitive and socioemotional traits and how these traits influence academic achievement and predict risk of unemployment. Data was retrieved from the ... -
The professional preschool teacher under conditions of change – Competence and intentions in pedagogical practices.
(2020-02-07)This thesis explores the relationship between preschool teachers’ professional competence and their pedagogical practices. Specifically, preschool teachers’ considerations on two pedagogical practices are studied: (i) ... -
The Quality Dialogue. An Activity-Theoretical Study on Systematic Quality Work in a Municipal Preschool Administration.
(2024-11-14)Quality dialogues have become increasingly common in systematic quality work which is legally mandated by the Swedish Education Act. The present thesis aims to contribute to knowledge on quality dialogues in local education ... -
The self in the school context: Mathematics self-concept and self-efficacy in PISA
(2024-09-18)Self-concept and self-efficacy are important constructs in educational psychology, defining an individual’s general perception of their abilities in school subjects and belief in accomplishing specific tasks. These ... -
The work of critique in architectural education
(2010)The research reported here is an investigation of instruction and assessment in architectural education. The focus is on the practice of critique, an educational activity in which instructors and professional architects ... -
Det tillåtande och det begränsande. En studie om pojkars syn på studier och ungdomars normer kring maskulinitet
(2018-01-24)Girls preform generally better than boys in school. In many schools the dominant norms of masculinity are a hinder for boys to preform in school. Schools with a dominating “anti school culture” or a “effortless achievement ... -
Tolkningar, förhandlingar och tystnader : elevers tal om religion i det mångkulturella och postkoloniala rummet
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2003) -
Towards an interlanguage of biological evolution: Exploring students´ talk and writing as an arena for sense-making
(2010-01-22)The aim of this thesis is to explore what is involved when learning science, by focusing on students’ appropriation of the school science language. The aspiration is to explore relations between, on the one hand, ... -
Traditioner i möte. En kvalitativ studie av fritidspedagogers arbete med samlingar i skolan
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2005)This study describes a part of leisure time pedagogues’ work in school, the content of the activities leisure time pedagogues accomplish in circle times. A circle time is one of many vital traditions in pre-school, to ... -
Training to become a master mariner in a simulator-based environment: The instructors’ contributions to professional learning.
(2017-12-14)In higher education programs that aim to prepare students for professional performance in safety-critical work activities, the introduction of simulators is seen as a fundamentally restructuring of the ways in which ... -
Tränares makt över spelare i lagidrotter - sett ur French och Ravens maktbasteori
(2014-10-17)Coaches power over athletes in team sports – As seen from French and Ravens theory of power bases. Keywords:team sports, coaching, social power, coaching effectiveness, structural equations modeling. The coach has a central ...