Browsing Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences by Title
Now showing items 239-258 of 464
Learning to argue in primary school: A sociocultural study of group discussions with argumentative tasks
(2024-08-30)The learning and development of argumentation as a social practice is considered to be fundamental for living in democratic societies. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the growing literature on children’s ... -
Learning to learn to read
(1991) -
Learning to reason in environmental education: Digital tools, access points to knowledge and science literacy
(2016-12-21)Digital technologies and environmental education represent two rather new areas in school curricula. The background of the present research is an interest at the inter-section between how students learn about environmental ... -
Lek och läroplan : möten mellan barn och lärare i förskola och skola
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2006)Ur Förord: ”Att lära är nästan som att leka… man kan lära sig att leka och man kan lära sig att bygga Kapla-torn, så det hänger nog ihop på nåt sätt”, säger Lisa drygt åtta år. Lisa är ett av de barn som har deltagit i ... -
Linking Recent and Older IEA Studies on Mathematics and Science
(2022-09-09)The purpose of this thesis was to develop procedures that allow researchers to make reasonable comparisons of grade-eight mathematics and science achievement and motivation scales over a long time period, despite changes ... -
Lojalitet och motstånd - anställdas agerande i ett föränderligt hemtjänstarbete
(2009-08-31)This thesis aims to shed light on the dynamics and the complexity in the relationship between power and resistance in labour, from an employee-perspective. This is done by describing and analyzing how a group of employees ... -
Lokalt utvecklingsarbete
(1986) -
Lust att lära naturvetenskap och teknik? : en longitudinell studie om vägen till gymnasiet
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2003)The aim of the study was to follow a group of pupils from the age of twelve until they leave lower secondary school at the age of sixteen to describe and analyse how their attitudes towards and interest in science and ... -
Making Sense of Negative Numbers
(2011-02-10)Numbers are abstract objects that we conceptualize and make sense of through metaphors. When negative numbers appear in school mathematics, some properties of number sense related to natural numbers become contradictory. ... -
Makt, kön och diskurser: En etnografisk studie om elevers aktörsskap och positioneringar i undervisningen
(2015-08-26)Abstract Title: Power, gender and discourse. An ethnographic study of pupils’ positioning in teaching Author: Kristina Lanå Language: Swedish with an English summary ISBN 978-91-7346-837-4 (tryckt) ISBN ... -
Map-reading and wayfinding