Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis
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Gothenburg Gender Studies
(Formerly Göteborg Women's Studies)
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Interdisciplinary research and youth sport injury: Developing methodological insights
(2024-10-04)Recognising sport injuries as complex phenomena has urged calls for alternative research approaches to better understand their causes. Instead of adhering to traditional research approaches only, scholars advocate for a ... -
The self in the school context: Mathematics self-concept and self-efficacy in PISA
(2024-09-18)Self-concept and self-efficacy are important constructs in educational psychology, defining an individual’s general perception of their abilities in school subjects and belief in accomplishing specific tasks. These ... -
Doing Knowledge @Scale: Sociomaterial Practices and Professional Learning of Software Developers on Stack Overflow
(2024-09-13)When millions of people gather online to produce and distribute knowledge, the vast digital platforms they use – Facebook, Reddit, X, or the focus of this study, Stack Overflow – become integral to how they learn and work. ... -
Reading and learning from civics textbooks: exploring challenges and opportunities from students’ and teachers’ perspectives
(2024-09-06)Textbooks in civics are one of the main sources of knowledge and a primary instructional tool for teaching civics in Swedish compulsory schools. Given the importance of civics texts for students’ knowledge construction and ... -
Skrivundervisning i svenska som andraspråk inom vuxenutbildning
(2024-09-05)I dagens globaliserade värld är behovet stort för många vuxna att lära sig tala, läsa, skriva och förstå nya språk. För att lära sig svenska, till exempel, erbjuder Sveriges kommuner språkutbildning i form av svenska som ... -
Learning to argue in primary school: A sociocultural study of group discussions with argumentative tasks
(2024-08-30)The learning and development of argumentation as a social practice is considered to be fundamental for living in democratic societies. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the growing literature on children’s ... -
Lärares lärande i gränslandet mellan skolans och vetenskapens praktiker – Aktionsforskning som socialt lärande
(2024-05-23)The study aims at deepening the knowledge about how teachers learn as they collaborate to improve their teaching practices through action research. The research questions are as follows: How does teachers’ professional ... -
Människor och målningar. Inredningsmåleri i hälsingegårdar 1750–1800
(2024-05-13)Hälsingland is a province that historically had no nobility and where farmers were freeholders. From the end of the Middle Ages to the second half of the 19th century, wall and ceiling paintings have been preserved in ... -
Trygga och otrygga platser – en etnografisk studie om våld och utsatthet bland barn i fritidshem
(2024-05-08)Skolvåld förekommer i alla länder och påverkar många barn i deras vardag. Det finns idag en omfattande svensk och internationell forskning om våld i olika skolmiljöer, men få studier som undersöker våld bland barn i ... -
Fundamental Dynamicity – A Metaphysics of Time and Process
(2024-05-02)This book continues a long tradition in philosophy going back to the pre-Socratics, who made a rather simple observation that still holds true today: All things flow. We experience this flow, flux, in abundance: the seasons ... -
Visions Beyond Empire: British Federalism and Post-Imperial United Kingdom, 1884-1945
(2024-04-08)This study seeks to trace federalists’ continuous effort to envision and plan for the end of the empire from 1884 to 1945. While British federalism changed a lot during this period, there was a constant concern with the ... -
Teacher Professional Learning in Response to Contemporary Challenges in Early Childhood Education and Care
(2024-03-22)The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to generate new knowledge, through the empirical study, of how an Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) work team collectively learn about two contemporary challenges in ECEC, by ... -
Individualising processes in adult education: The case of Swedish for immigrants (SFI)
(2024-03-14)Adapting education to individual students is a prominent demand in the context of Swedish for immigrants (SFI). Teachers, schools, and municipal authorities are expected to establish educational frameworks corresponding ... -
Unicorns in moderation: gender and epistemology on stack overflow
(2024-02-23)Stack Exchange is a global knowledge sharing platform centred around programming, computer science, and a variety of other topics. It is a ubiquitous resource for coders and programmers. Knowledge sharing platforms, like ... -
Mellan osynlighet och avvikelse – nyanlända elever med kort skolbakgrund i grundskolans senare årskurser
(2023-12-22)The education of newly arrived students in Swedish schools has garnered increased attention in research, media, and policy discussions in the last couple of decades. This doctoral thesis explores the educational situation ... -
Uppdrag: Historia och demokrati. Perspektiv på studieresor till Förintelsens minnesplatser
(2023-12-15)Förintelsen som absolut moralisk referenspunkt i det senmoderna samhället innebär att undervisning och lärande om Förintelsen tillmäts stor vikt inom utbildningssektorn. Sedan millenniumskiftet har studieresor till ... -
Statistical advancements in analyzing accelerometer-measured physical activity intensity
(2023-12-08)Physical activity (PA) is widely recognized as an important factor in preventing and treating cardiometabolic diseases and reducing mortality. Yet, the health implications of specific PA intensities and the intricate role ... -
Nonhuman Moral Agency: A Practice-Focused Exploration of Moral Agency in Nonhuman Animals and Artificial Intelligence
(2023-12-05)Can nonhuman animals and artificial intelligence (AI) entities be attributed moral agency? The general assumption in the philosophical literature is that moral agency applies exclusively to humans since they alone possess ...