Browsing Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis by Title
Now showing items 562-581 of 824
Painting Treatments of Weather-Exposed Ferrous Heritage. Exploration of Oil Varnish Paints and Painting Skills
(2021-10-15)This thesis is about industrial heritage—the protection of ferrous heritage by using anticorrosive oil varnish paints. The purpose of this thesis in Kulturvård and craft research is to provide guidelines, tools, concepts, ... -
Participles in Time. The Development of the Perfect Tense in Swedish.
(2009)This thesis concerns the syntactic-semantic development of the perfect tense from a construction with possessive HAVE and a tenseless participial complement. Both participles and auxiliary are assumed to have internal ... -
Pedagogical quality in preschool : an issue of perspectives
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2001)The main aims of this thesis on the pedagogical quality in preschool are: to define and describe a pedagogical concept of quality; to explore how quality is experienced and valued from different perspectives; to find out ... -
Pedagogik, plats och prestationer. En etnografisk studie om en skola i förorten
(2013-08-15)Denna avhandling bygger på en etnografisk studie i en förortsskola som har valt en särskild pedagogisk modell för att hantera och genomföra sitt uppdrag. Detta i en tid som präglas av stark fokusering på elevprestationer ... -
Pedagogisk takt i betygssamtal
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2014-12-18)This thesis aims to explore how grades are explained and understood in grade conferences between teachers and students in Swedish upper secondary school. The empirical material is based on 149 video-recorded conferences ... -
Pedagogisk utveckling genom kollegial granskning:Fallet Lärande Besök utifrån aktör-nätverksteori
(2015-09-04)The thesis is analyzing historical and present traces of a program for collegial reviewing of teaching instruction and school work. It is designed and deployed within three municipalities in Western Sweden called “Learning ... -
Performativa lärarpraktiker
(2017-08-23)The preconditions for teachers’ practices in Sweden have dramatically changed during the last few decades. Since the 1990s, processes of decentralisation, marketisation and privatisation have rapidly transformed the ... -
Personhood and human-spirit relations among the Yuracaré of the Bolivian Amazon
(2007)Abstract Personhood and human-spirit relations among the Yuracaré of the Bolivian Amazon. By Annica Djup. Doctoral dissertation 2008, Department of Social Anthropology, School of Global Studies, Göteborg University, Box ... -
Physical Activity among Adolescents in a Swedish Multicultural Area - An Empowerment-Based Health Promotion School Intervention
(2018-05-22)The overarching aim of the present thesis was two-fold. The first aim was to describe and critically reflect upon the experiences of developing and implementing an empowerment-based school intervention, focusing on food ... -
Physiological responses to acute physical and psychosocial stress- relation to aerobic capacity and exercise training.
(2019-04-09)Exercise training is an effective method to promote health and to prevent development of disease. Both physical and mental health have been shown to benefit from exercise training. It has also been speculated that physical ... -
Planteringar vid järnvägen. Funktion och organisation under stambanornas första tid
(Göteborgs universitet, 2020)I den här licentiatuppsatsen undersöks planteringar vid de första stambanorna i Sverige mellan åren 1855–1875. När järnvägar för persontrafik började byggas i mitten av 1800-talet innebar de en stor förändring av ... -
Pluripotent circulations : putting actor-network theory to work on stem cells in the USA, prior to 2001
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2006)When researchers in 1998 presented stem cells produced from embryos this led to heated debates in the US. Should taxpayers’ money fund this research or should it remain within the private sector? While most studies have ...