Now showing items 11-20 of 32
Financial Fair Play and its Intended Impact - An Investigation of the European Football Environment
This study examines what effect the implementation of UEFAs Financial Fair Play regulations have had on football clubs' financial performance and if the top leagues competitiveness in Europe has changed for the better. The ...
Macroeconomic Determinants of Sovereign Credit Risk
This report analyzes the macroeconomic determinants of sovereign bond yields in three different economies: the US, a large open economy and a benchmark in the financial markets, Sweden, a small open economy that has ...
Investing without conscience
The chase for maximum returns is a race every investor participates in. The number of investing strategies is almost equal to the number of investors, and everyone claims that their strategy is the best. Socially responsible ...
Hur privatinvesterare påverkas av bankernas avståndstagande från Bitcoin
This study examines why Swedish banks don’t offer services linked to cryptocurrencies and how private investors are affected by this. Further, the study examines what risks a private person has to consider if they want to ...
Impact of ESG Score on Cost of Capital - Evidence from the Swedish Market
This paper aims to examine if there is a significant relationship between Swedish firms ESG scores and their financing costs. By constructing three regression models with WACC, cost of equity and cost of debt as the dependent ...
What effect does financial inclusion have on economic development within Sweden, Botswana and India?
This study examines the relationship between financial inclusion and income level by identifying three different countries' income levels. It also investigates the differences as well as the similarities between these ...
R&D’s impact on stock returns in the biotechnology industry in the Nordic countries
This is a study on the impact of R&D expenditure, expressed in the form of R&D intensity, on stock returns in the Nordic Biotechnology sector. Firms in this sector are generally R&D intensive and the geographic area of the ...
Den växande trenden kring hållbarhetsfonder och dess riskjusterade avkastning
Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns några skillnader i riskjusterad avkastning mellan indexfonder och ESG-fonder på den svenska fondmarknaden, samt om coronapandemin har påverkat fondtypernas riskjusterade ...
Makroekonomiska effekter på den svenska aktiemarknaden - En analys av makroekonomiska variablers påverkan på OMXS30 via Arbitrage Pricing Theory
The aim of the thesis is to examine the relationship between five macroeconomic variables and the index on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, OMXS30, which includes the 30 most traded companies. The macroeconomic variables ...
Den eviga kampen mot penningtvätt
Penningtvätt är en form av ekonomisk brottslighet med förödande konsekvenser för både samhället och det finansiella systemet. Under de senaste åren har flera av Sveriges största banker varit involverade i penningtvättskandaler ...