Now showing items 11-19 of 19
Does financial advisory add value to M&A transactions in the pharmaceutical industry?
This study investigated if financial advisors contribute to value creation in M&A transactions in the pharmaceutical industry, using an event study methodology. Based on 294 transactions worldwide between 2012-2016, an ...
Asymmetriska relationer mellan kunder och finansiella rådgivare. En studie av hur kunders finansiella kunskapsnivåer påverkar relationen och hur MiFID II avser att hantera asymmetriproblematiken
Both demand and supply of financial advice are increasing because of the complexity of financial products and people’s difficulty in making economic decisions. Previous research has identified asymmetries between customers ...
Stjärntydning - En undersökning av riskaversionsnivåns påverkan på Morningstar Rating och dess konsekvenser för individuella småsparare
This paper investigates whether Morningstar Rating assesses the historical risk of mutual funds in an accurate way with respect to retail investors’ level of risk aversion, or if a higher utility could be reached if the ...
Performance Evaluation of European Green Mutual Funds - Is There an Economic Trade-Off?
In this thesis, we investigate the financial performance of European green and
conventional mutual equity funds over the 2007 – 2017 period. We applied the
Carhart (1997) four-factor model over three different periods, ...
Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II - And its effect on the principal-agent relationship within financial advisory
Through an interview based study this thesis investigates how MiFID II, a new EU directive concerning the European Union’s financial markets, will affect the principal-agent relationship currently present between financial ...
An Empirical Evaluation of the Return and Risk Neutrality of Market Neutral Hedge Funds
Market neutral is a widely-used investment style for hedge funds. By analysing a data set consisting of 7913 hedge funds, we assess their historical ability to stay neutral towards the U.S. equity market in terms of return ...
CATASTROPHE BONDS - An investment analysis of their performance and diversification benefits
This thesis employs total return indices to investigate if catastrophe bonds are zero-beta assets and how they have performed compared to other assets. We conduct time series regressions and conclude that catastrophe bond ...
A study of the Basel III CVA formula
In this thesis we compare the official Basel III method for computing credit value adjustment (CVA) against a model that assumes piecewise constant default intensities for a number of both market and fictive scenarios. CVA ...
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the performance of Swedish mutual equity funds that primarily invest in either the Swedish or the U.S. market. Complementing prior research, we emphasis the relative performance ...