Now showing items 1-3 of 3
En empirisk studie om processen bakom ett outsourcingbeslut
This thesis examines how Swedish banks measure risks associated with outsourcing and how they weigh it against expected profit. It also discusses the benefits and disadvantages of outsourcing and investigates how banks ...
UNDERPRICING IN COLD AND HOT ISSUE MARKETS: Testing the Changing Risk Composition Hypothesis on the Swedish IPO Market.
This paper aims to investigate the difference in average first-day return on initial public offerings (IPOs) between the “cold issue” market of 2010-2013 and the “hot issue” market of 2014-2016 on the Swedish IPO market. ...
Skäller hundarna högt i Sverige? En undersökning av Dogs of the Dow-strategin på den svenska aktiemarknaden
The aim of this study is to re-examine the performance of the investment strategy proposed by John Slatter in 1988 called Dogs of the Dow on the Swedish stock market. The investment strategy of picking the 10 stocks with ...