Now showing items 1-10 of 27
Kapitalstruktur inom energisektorn - En studie av svenska elhandelsbolag
Capital structure and the effect that certain factors have on it has been discussed and researched for a long time. The study of capital structure concerns a company’s way of financing and the relationship between equity ...
Playing Poker without Looking at the Cards—Does it Even Matter?
In 2020, the recent boom of Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) resulted in this financial vehicle overtaking traditional IPOs as the leading firm structure for taking companies public. The dormant structure of ...
What is the optimal way of choosing projects within complex decision-making?
This essay has investigated Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and whether it has potential to be used as an algorithm within the project selection process. The aim of the study has been to highlight the most important ...
Optimal Portfolio Allocation of Commodities for the Swedish Investor
Commodities have historically been seen as great diversifiers to stocks and bonds. Following the financialization in late 1990s and early 2000s this began to be questioned by previous research due to increasing correlations ...
En analys i prestation och aktiv förvaltning mellan svenska large- och small-cap fonde
The aim of this thesis is to explore whether there is a significant difference between Swedish large- and small-cap mutual funds. The study will examine each fund’s performance compared to one another. To investigate the ...
Does size matter? Analysis of stock price reaction to green bonds announcements
The recent large growth in the green bond market has been shown in previous studies to yield abnormal returns as the market value of the stock reacts to the announcement of green bond issuance. This study uses a sample of ...
Skillnader i riskaversion utifrån kön och olika storlek på sparkapital
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether females are more risk averse than men on the Swedish stock market and to determine if the level of risk aversion decreases or increases for individuals with a large ...
"Hållbarhet och Kapitalkostnad" - en studie på den svenska aktiemarknaden
This research paper investigates the relationship between the components of the ESG-score and the firm's cost of capital. The study is conducted on the Swedish stock market and includes all Swedish companies listed on the ...
R&D Expenditures and Subsequent Market Performance
Currently, research on companies' market return following investments in research and development has been performed predominantly in the U.S. The objective of this research is, therefore, to examine the relationship between ...
Riskjusterad avkastning på företagsobligationer: Kan investerare ta bättre beslut genom att titta på ESG?
The increased competition among fund managers to generate attractive returns challenge them to find new tools to improve their financial performance. One of the most efficient methods is to utilize better information in ...