Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Initial Public Offerings in “Hot” and “Cold” Markets - A Study of the Swedish IPO market
This thesis aims to test if the IPO market differs in hot and cold market conditions in terms of industry clustering, firm characteristics, and long-run performance. The study is conducted on the Swedish IPO market ranging ...
Kan nudging främja hållbara premiepensionsplaceringar?
The interest in sustainability has increased among private investors and a gradual increase in SRI is the result. However, there still seems to be a gap between people’s values and interest in sustainability and how ...
Investment firm characteristics in venture capital
The private equity market is known for its lack of liquidity and information. This thesis aims at bringing further clarity to the private equity field, specifically targeting the relationship between firm size and risk in ...
Bolånefondernas påverkan på marknadskoncentrationen
This thesis aims to add further research about the mortgage market in Sweden. In particular, it investigates the effect on the concentration level as a result of the establishment of new entities, which are using mortgage ...
The Impact of Interest Changes on Housing Prices
The study examines the relationship of interest rates and housing prices. It does so for Sweden as a nation as well as the cities Stockholm and Gothenburg. The interaction of housing prices and interest rates is examined ...
Kryptovalutors betydelse i framtida portföljer
The aim of this thesis is to examine whether cryptocurrencies should be included in future investment portfolios or not. This thesis not only focuses on Bitcoin, but also uses the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index to represent ...
Mispricing in the Stock Market - an effect of investor sentiment?
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between mispricing and investor sentiment, on the Swedish and European stock markets. Firstly, it examines whether mispricing is more prominent in periods ...
Kan cyklisk konsumtion förutspå förvantad avkastning? En studie utförd på Stockholmsbörsen
This thesis aims to further contribute to the studies on the inverse relationship between the consumption-based variable, cyclical consumption, and future expected return, introduced by Atanasov, Møller and Priestley (2019). ...
Does capital structure affect the valuation of banks?
In this paper, we examine the capital structure and other factors affecting the valuation of U.S. banks. The study focuses on the largest publicly traded U.S banks in 2000-2019. To achieve the purpose, a quantitative method ...
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Equity Markets: A quantitative analysis
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure and equity prices in the financial markets. An event study combined with a textual analysis is used to ...