Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Riskjusterad avkastning på företagsobligationer: Kan investerare ta bättre beslut genom att titta på ESG?
The increased competition among fund managers to generate attractive returns challenge them to find new tools to improve their financial performance. One of the most efficient methods is to utilize better information in ...
Market Valuation of Growth in ESG Companies
The increased interest in sustainability among investors has raised questions regarding the fundamentals of the valuation for sustainable companies, often called ESG companies. This thesis researches the market valuation ...
Mandatory ESG Disclosure and its Effect on Firm Performance
With the intention to reach a more sustainable future, the EU implemented Directive
2014/95/EU in 2014, mandating large and public firms to start disclosing ESG information.
The resulting changes are however first ...
The Relationship Between Environmental, Social and Governance Factors and Firm Performance. A Study Performed on the Swedish Stock Market
This thesis investigates the relationship between environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and firm performance on the Swedish stock market over the years 2013-2017. Using the traditional Carhart’s four-factor ...
Ethical Fund Performance - A matched pair analysis of the Swedish fund market
This thesis investigates the effect of ethics on the performance of Swedish funds over the years 2009-2018. Through the use of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) score, this study distinguishes ethical funds from ...
ESG and Fund Performance Comparing Funds with Different Strategic Benchmarks
This thesis aims to identify if there is a positive relationship between ESG and fund performance, and if this relationship is different depending on the strategic benchmark of the funds and how they differ between the ...
Do ESG investors pay a price for doing good - A matched pair analysis of the Swedish fund market.
In this thesis we examine the financial performance of Swedish mutual equity funds. We look at differences between sustainable, defined as ESG, and conventional funds. The financial performance is examined using the Capital ...
Svenska fondförvaltares arbete kring hållbara investeringar med avseende på risk och avkastning
Den finansiella aspekten kring hållbarhet har tagit allt större plats i samhällsdebatten de senaste åren. Det är därför nödvändigt att förstå vikten av, samt vilken roll, hållbara investeringar och ESG har inför framtiden. ...
Den växande trenden kring hållbarhetsfonder och dess riskjusterade avkastning
Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns några skillnader i riskjusterad avkastning mellan indexfonder och ESG-fonder på den svenska fondmarknaden, samt om coronapandemin har påverkat fondtypernas riskjusterade ...
Värderingsmetodernas relevans i omstruktureringen mot hållbarhet på den svenska fondmarknaden
The relevance of valuation methods in the restructuring towards sustainability in the Swedish equity fund market.
What analysis methods do Swedish fund managers use and what influences their investment decisions when ...