Browsing Kandidatuppsatser i finansiell ekonomi by Subject "Abnormal returns"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Abnormal returns from insider trading - does insider trading generate abnormal returns for the Swedish stock exchange and large cap Stockholm?
(2022-07-11)This paper studies insider trading and abnormal returns on the Large Cap list of the Swedish stock exchange using a sample of 119 firms and 10528 individual transactions between the period 2016-2022. The study is built on ... -
The relationship between ESG and stock performance in sensitive and non-sensitive industries during the COVID-19 crisis
(2022-09-02)This thesis examines the relationship between ESG and stock performance in sensitive and non-sensitive industries during the COVID-19 crisis. It is based on a sample consisting of 344 unique Swedish companies during the ... -
Returns to Swedish Acquirers from Public an Private M&As
(2019-07-09)This paper examines Swedish listed acquirers’ cumulative abnormal returns surrounding the announcement of acquisitions between the period 1998–2018 of both public and private targets. We find that acquirers earn an average ...