Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Material auténtico y motivación - Una investigación cualitativa sobre alumnos de ELE en Suecia
In the field of modern language learning, how to motivate students is constantly being under discussion. Among the significant aspects to consider are the pedagogical decisions that the teacher performs, including the type ...
Ser todo oídos - Un análisis de las actividades de comprensión auditiva en tres manuales suecos de ELE para el nivel B1
This paper studies the listening comprehension exercises of three different student textbooks used to learn Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) for upper secondary schools in Sweden, to determine whether these exercises ...
El papel de la lengua materna en la enseñanza del español como lengua meta
The use of the students´ mother tongue in teaching a new language seems to be a rather controversial issue if we review the history. Over the years there have been different theories of how foreign language teaching should ...
Caminando hacia la competencia intercultural - Un análisis comparativo de manuales suecos de ELE
Såväl europeiska som svenska riktlinjer för undervisning i främmande språk understryker idag vikten vid att främja interkulturell kompetens hos elever. Eftersom språk och kultur är odelbara, sker en automatisk kulturell ...
Las unidades fraseológicas y su tratamiento en los manuales de ELE en Suecia: Un análisis de manuales del paso 4 (B1)
Phraseology, as a fundamental element of the communicative competence, must be considered when designing manuals for learning Spanish. The purpose of this work is to determine, through a quantitative and a qualitative ...