Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Aprobación o desaprobación. Actitudes de estudiantes de ELE en Suecia hacia la retroalimentación
A general focus on summative assessment has led to feedback and formative assessment taking a less prominent role in ELE teaching, to the extent that its value has been questioned by students to the point where they do not ...
“There Is No Quick Fix” to Building Vocabulary. Teacher Cognition of EFL Vocabulary Development and Instruction in Swedish Upper Secondary Schools
Vocabulary is a central component to learning any language, but learning a foreign language requires particular attention to vocabulary development. As teacher cognition influences teachers’ instructional choices, their ...
The Effectiveness of Word Focused Tasks. How Elaborate Processing Predicts Vocabulary Learning. A Literature Review.
L2 vocabulary learning is a sizeable challenge for all EFL students. Particularly, the lexical threshold for reading is a substantial learning feat requiring time and effort. Vocabulary research indicates that incidental ...
Foreign Language Anxiety vs Willingness to Communicate. A Qualitative Study on Swedish EFL Learners’ Perception of Language Anxiety in Correlation With Their WTC
This study aims to investigate the perceived levels of foreign language anxiety (FLA) among six English as a foreign language (EFL) learners and how their personal perceptions affect their willingness to communicate (WTC) ...
Bildung in the language classroom. Reading literature to stimulate young people's desire to learn English
The power of reading literary texts to stimulate language learning, critical thinking and communicative competence is well established, yet young people are reading less literature than they did ten years ago. The aim of ...
Digital Tools of the Trade. A Qualitative Study of EFL Teachers’ Use of Digital Tools in a Swedish Post-Pandemic Context
Due to the increased focus on digitalisation in Swedish schools resulting from the digitalisation of society, pedagogical practices have changed. The Covid-19 pandemic introduced unique challenges to many teachers as ...
La interculturalidad en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera a través de la literatura infantil y juvenil. Un estudio cualitativo desde la perspectiva de cinco profesores de ELE
Föreliggande studie analyserar interkulturalitet genom barn- och ungdomslitteratur i spanskundervisningen i den svenska grundskolan ur fem spansklärares perspektiv. Huvudsyftet med studien är att, genom semistrukturerade ...
Los efectos del uso de Duolingo como andamiaje para el aprendizaje de vocabulario del ELE
Duolingo is one of the most widely used gamification applications among people for learning vocabulary in Spanish as a foreign language (EFL) in Sweden. However, there is a scarcity of accredited research concerning the ...
Word Frequencies and Vocabulary Threshold Levels in EFL Textbooks. A Corpus Study
A significant number of studies have identified inadequate vocabulary exposure in EFL coursebooks as a problem. However, few studies have been carried out in the Swedish context. This observation, along with how the most ...
Communicating as a Team. A study of EFL Students’ Perceptions about the Influence of the Learner Group’s Dynamics on their Individual WTC
Considering the current emphasis on communicative abilities in EFL teaching, learning and assessment (Council of Europe, 2020), research on willingness to communicate (WTC) has become increasingly important. Despite the ...