Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Psykologiska institutionen by Title
Now showing items 35-54 of 157
Depression and distress in Swedish fathers in the postnatal period - prevalence, correlates, identification, and support
(2013-03-27)The general aim of this thesis was to examine how fathers, and to some extent mothers, with postnatal depression and distress were identified and supported by nurses in Swedish child health care (CHC), and to learn more ... -
Detecting lies about past and future actions: The Strategic Use of Evidence (SUE) technique and suspects’ strategies
(2013-05-06)In legal settings, it is of paramount importance to correctly discriminate between truthful and deceptive statements. Research has however shown that people generally only obtain accuracy rates around the level of chance. ... -
Determinants of Guilty Suspects’ Behavior in Investigative Interviews: Evidence-Disclosure Tactics and Question Content
(2019-09-18)Research in the Strategic Use of Evidence (SUE) paradigm has shown that guilty suspect’s verbal behavior is a product of the counter-interrogation strategies suspects employ based on the prior knowledge they believe ... -
Developing into early adulthood: The role of identity and personality
(2020-11-05)The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the development into early adulthood, focusing on identity and personality. The aim of Study I was to explore the developmental course and implications of the two meta-traits ... -
Discriminating Between True and False Intentions: Questions to Pose and Cues to Use
(2015-06-01)In many legal and intelligence settings it is necessary to evaluate whether a stated intention is true or false. This thesis proposes that use of strategic interviewing may successfully elicit cues that allow interviewers ... -
Distributive Preferences in Social Dilemmas
(2006)In research on social dilemmas and in game theoretic research, it was for a long time assumed that the rational decision is to choose an option with the most beneficial economic outcome to oneself. Yet, in group situations, ... -
Diversity in residential care and treatment for young people in Sweden
(2007)The overall aim of this thesis was to explore and describe the diversity in residential care and treatment for young people in Sweden on the individual level, the interactional level and the contextual level. This thesis ... -
Do I have enough? On the act of assessing one’s personal resources
(2018-05-25)How do people assess their personal resources? This is a fundamental question, since awareness of your current resources is a prerequisite for mobilizing your efforts to secure, sustain, and safeguard resources in the best ... -
Effects of certainty on decision making under uncertainty : using subsidies to reduce production of environmental harmful products
(2007)The present thesis investigates the effects of an environmental policy, with the focus on producers’ decision making, which may be used as a means to decrease the production of environmentally harmful products. A subsidy ... -
Effects of Intensive Behavioural Treatment and a focused Imitation Intervention for young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder - One plus One means More
(2017-04-28)Abstract Spjut Janson, B. (2017). Effects of IBT and a focused Imitation Intervention for young Children with ASD. One plus One means More. Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The general aim ... -
Eliciting admissions from suspects in criminal investigations
(2016-08-12)The psycho-legal literature is scarce with respect to specific interviewing tactics aimed at eliciting new and critical information (admissions) from suspects in criminal cases. The first major aim of this thesis was to ... -
Eliciting human intelligence: A conceptualization and empirical testing of the Scharff technique
(2016-02-01)This thesis is on how to elicit intelligence from human sources with the principal aim being to examine the efficacy of the tactics employed by the renowned WWII interrogator Hanns Scharff. A novel experimental set-up (as ... -
Eliciting information in intelligence interviews through priming: An examination of underlying mechanisms
(2018-10-10)An emerging body of research in human intelligence interviewing suggests that subtle influence tactics, such as priming, could be used to increase informants’ disclosure of sensitive information. However, the mechanisms ... -
Enhancing the Patient’s Role: Exploring patient influence in acceptance-based cognitive behavior therapy delivered via internet
(2024-02-23)Background: The global primary health care declaration emphasizes empowering patients to exert influence over their own health. A person-centered approach to care involves a shift from the traditional passive patient role ... -
"Everybody gets a little bit loco”: Interactions between psychotic experiences and substance use as dimensional phenomena
(2018-02-02)A large amount of persons with psychosis experience problems related to substance use; and many persons with substance use disorders develop psychiatric symptoms, including psychotic experiences (PEs). The co-existence of ... -
Everyday music listening: The importance of individual and situational factors for musical emotions and stress reduction
(2012-01-27)Music listening primarily evokes positive emotions in listeners. Research has shown that positive emotions may be fundamental for improving both psychological and physical aspects of well-being. Besides from the music ... -
Evolving identities: Contents and processes of identity development among people in their late twenties
(2015-05-11)The overall aim of this thesis was to study contents and processes of identity development among people in their late twenties. The studies are based on identity status interviews and surveys performed with participants ... -
Experiences and Perceptions of Default Nudges
(2021-08-19)Of the many challenges we face as individuals and as a society, several of the most important and hardest ones are behavioral. We often know what needs to be done to solve an issue, but struggle to put this knowledge into ... -
Experiences of Parenthood and the Child with an Intellectual Disability
(2012-11-23)When a child is diagnosed with an intellectual disability (ID) the experience of parenthood is affected and parents’ descriptions tend to vary, containing a wide spectrum of emotions that may change over time. In the present ... -
Experimental studies of human-computer interaction : working memory and mental workload in complex cognition
(2007)Experimental Studies of Human-Computer Interaction: Working memory and mental workload in complex cognition Complex cognition is readily described as cognitive tasks requiring the coordination of multiple steps of processing ...