Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Psykologiska institutionen by Title
Now showing items 120-139 of 158
Quality of personal assistance: Shaped by governments, markets and corporations
(2009-02-20)Background: Swedish personal assistance for people with severe disabilities became a legal right in 1994. The support is completely financed by the government and with a few exceptions transferred to External assistance ... -
(2019-04-30)The overarching aim of this thesis was to explore the general interest in universal parental support, the circumstances under which this interest is stronger, and how universal support groups for parents of adolescents ... -
Residential care for young people in Sweden : homes, staff and residents
(2007)This thesis studies residential care for young persons (13-18 years of age) with emotional and behavioural problems. An overall aim is to examine and describe different aspects of residential care. The thesis consists of ... -
Retirement and Life Satisfaction: A Resource-Based Dynamic Perspective
(2019-08-29)Retirement from work is a major life event requiring adjustment to new life circumstances. The impact of retirement on well-being has been shown to vary, not only between individuals, but also within individuals over time. ... -
Seven dimensions of consumption
(2017-05-02)This thesis presents the development of the integrative, context-sensitive, and multi-dimensional Consumer Motivation Scale (CMS). The CMS is based on the three higher-order master goals of goal-framing theory: the gain ... -
Sexting among adolescents: A gendered online phenomenon, related to individual and social determinants
(2020-09-24)This thesis concerns sexting among Swedish adolescents and adolescent sexual development. Adolescence is a period of major bodily, cognitive, and social changes and of sexual exploration. As many post-millennials have ... -
Sharing & Caring. Division of parental leave from a psychological perspective
(2020-09-17)Parents’ preconditions for early parenting vary depending on social and cultural contexts. This thesis provides a psychological perspective on parenting and family life within the context of parental leave in Sweden, ... -
Sleep and cognition in old age: Birth cohort differences, dementia, and biomarkers of Alzheimer´s disease
(2020-11-12)The focus for this thesis is on two major determinants of health and wellbeing in older people, namely subjective sleep disturbance and cognition. Data were drawn from the H70 Birth Cohort Studies, comprising representative ... -
Social adjustment of Kenyan orphaned grandchildren, perceived caregiving stresses and discipline strategies used by their fostering grandmothers
(Psykologiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet, 2004)The aim of the thesis was to examine whether experienced stress, adjustment of orphans and discipline strategies used by 328 grandmothers were linked to disruptions in life courses that occurs when children are orphaned ... -
Social influence in stock markets
(2009-08-11)Influences by others when making investments and predictions in stock markets, referred to as herding, is a widely discussed phenomenon in financial economics. This thesis aims to understand herding by applying theories ... -
Socially stable alcoholics: What characterises them? Drinking patterns, personality and health aspects of psychosocial and clinical importance
(2008-12-12)People who misuse alcohol are a heterogeneous group with different etiology, social and clinical characteristics. This thesis includes four studies whose aim was to characterise so called socially stable alcoholics (i.e. ... -
Technology-assisted child sexual abuse
(2021-10-18)Internet communication technology has created new ways for adults to sexually abuse children, and as the world becomes more and more digitalized and children are increasingly connected, reports about online child sexual ... -
Temperament - a psychobiological approach to harm avoidance and novelty seeking
(Psykologiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet, 2006)This thesis explores if rats can be said to have a temperament, and if that is the case, how it changes with age and how it is related to brain neurochemistry. Using the hole board and canopy tests (considered to measure ... -
That's how people grow up: Identity formation in emerging adulthood
(2013-03-27)The overall aim of this thesis was to study emerging adults’ identity formation and its relationship to other aspects of their psychosocial development and living situations. The three studies of this thesis examined how ... -
The Affective Profile Model: ill-being and well-being
(2015-04-16)Positive and negative affect have emerged as significant independent dimensions in studies of affective structure. Seeing affect as composed of two systems that can be categorized in high and low enables the possibility ... -
The Damage Done - Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence and their Mothers: Towards empirically based interventions in order to reduce negative health effects in children
(2012-09-17)Violence in intimate relationships occurs in all societies, and intimate partner violence (IPV) is a prevalent and serious social problem. Mothers of young children are particularly often victims of IPV, the consequences ... -
The Making of an Expert Detective. Thinking and Deciding in Criminal Investigations
(2016-11-11)Drawing on theoretical frameworks developed in social and cognitive psychology, this thesis examines the degree to which individual and systemic factors may compensate for inherent biases in criminal detectives’ judgments ... -
The Role of Emotions in Judgments of Crime Victims
(2015-10-26)A growing body of evidence shows that crime victims’ emotional expressions can influence legal judgments, such as credibility assessments. However, the role of emotions in judgments of crime victims in interpersonal settings ... -
“THE STORY ABOUT ME” Psychological perspectives on young men who sexually offended in adolescence
(2018-02-21)In this thesis I aimed to study, from a psychological viewpoint, what adult life is like for young men who sexually offended in adolescence. Data had previously been gathered from a group of 45 adolescents who had sexually ... -
Theory of Mind Development in Swedish Preschoolers: Relations with Language, Executive function, Temperament, and the Social Environment
(2024-02-26)Understanding others in social situations is a cornerstone of any lifespan. A part of social understanding comes from appreciating other’s intentions, desires, and knowledge, which can be called an understanding of others’ ...