Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för socialt arbete
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Hälsolitteracitet och cystisk fibros – en enkätstudie. En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan hälsolitteracitet, självförmåga och livstillfredsställelse vid kronisk sjukdom.
(2025-01-15)Att leva med cystisk fibros innebär ofta krävande behandlings- och egenvårdsrutiner för att minska risken för försämring och för att förbättra sin livskvalitet. Hälsolitteracitet antas vara en viktig förutsättning för att ... -
From the Playground to the Streets - Children and Youths’ Recruitment into Criminal Gangs in Sweden. A scoping review
(2024-11-29)The thesis is a qualitative scoping review study aimed to explore the recruitment of children and youth into criminal gangs in Sweden, focusing on understanding reasons for why children and youth become involved in criminal ... -
Between Compliance and Resistance? Social Work in NGOs with undocumented and marginalized migrants in a right-wing climate in Sweden
(2024-10-04)Since the last elections, in 2022, Sweden's political landscape has undergone significant transformation, marked by the new government's collaboration with the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats. Together, they introduced ... -
“Examining the Relationship between Migration Policy Changes and Labor Migration Trends in Sweden (1947-2023)”
(2024-07-01)Sweden is known for its openness to labor migration among the OECD countries and has undertaken several of policy measures in recent years to regulate and manage labor migration. This study aims to thoroughly understand ... -
Practitioners Challenges in Child Participation in Out-of-Home Care in Sweden: A Systematic Literature Review
(2024-06-24)This study aims to investigate the understandings by child protection practitioners regarding participation rights of the children and the challenges they encounter when promoting child participation for children in ... -
Erfarenheter från olika nivåer inom ätstörningsvården. En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella upplever ätstörningsvården
(2024-06-20)Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur professionella på olika nivåer upplever att ätstörningsvården fungerar. Uppsatsen har genomförts med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av fem intervjuer med professionella från ... -
Alternativ till voldforståelse. En diskursanalyse av forståelse och håndtering av vold i Norge
(2024-06-14)Studien undersøker hvordan en aktør som driver voldsforebyggende tiltak i Norge representerer problemområdet vold og hvilke effekter disse representasjonene kan ha. Spesifikt analyseres tre veiledere som retter seg til ... -
Med beaktande av vad som framkommit om hennes destruktiva leverne. En kritisk diskursanalys av hur kvinnor framställs i LVM-domar
(2024-06-13)Den här uppsatsen fokuserar på de sociala praktiker och processer som gör kvinnor som pekas ut som "missbrukare" till de andra och har som övergripande syfte att bidra med kunskap om andrefiering. Mer specifikt undersöks ... -
Provisions of social workers to victims of internal child trafficking in Uganda: A case study of children living on the streets of Kampala City
(2024-02-26)Human trafficking has become a serious global challenge in the recent past. Regarded as a global epidemic, it has triggered an increase in numbers of children living on the streets especially in countries where internal ... -
Experiences and challenges of Collaboration between Civil Society Organizations and the United Nations
(2023-11-17)Interorganizational collaboration is defined by Phillips, Lawrence and Hardy (2000) as “a co-operative relationship among organizations that relies on neither market nor hierarchical mechanisms of control” (pp. 24). They ... -
Moralist eller konsument? En netnografisk narrativ studie kring hur personer med erfarenhet av att köpa sex problematiserar och rättfärdigar handlingarna på ett svenskt diskussionsforum
(2023-11-03)Sverige var det första landet som fattade beslut om att det skulle vara olagligt att köpa sex men lagligt att sälja sex. Syftet var att minimera sårbarheten för de sårbara prostituerade, samt förebygga de negativa ... -
Towards Another Closet?! The Social Integration-related Experiences of Georgian LGBTQ+ Asylum Seekers in Berlin, Germany.
(2023-11-03)Georgia is among the top 10 nationalities who seek asylum in the EU. Despite not existing the official statistics, LGBTQ+ individuals, too, flee from Georgia due to persecution and discrimination based on sexual orientation ... -
Food Banks: An eco-social solution? Critical perspectives on food charity in Europe
(2023-11-03)This aim of this thesis was to investigate food banking organisations as part of food charity on different governance levels within the EU in relation to aspects of sustainability. The Doughnut model after Raworth (2017) ... -
Menstrual rights are human rights - a qualitative study about period poverty among homeless Roma in Stockholm
(2023-11-03)In the past decade, period poverty has gained more attention in international research. However, in Sweden the issue is still neglected which results in a complete absence of scientific research. Period poverty is not ... -
The Support Process Directed to Palestinian Refugee Women Who Are Victims of Gender-based Violence in the Palestinian Refugee Camps in Beirut
(2023-09-22)In 1948, Palestinians were expelled from their homeland Palestine then were forced to seek refuge in multiple countries including Lebanon. During their temporary stay, Palestinian refugee women began to experience serious ... -
BBIC i ljuset av tre styrlogiker – En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare upplever BBIC som styrning
(2023-09-13)Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur socialsekreterare upplever det standardiserade arbetsverktyget BBIC som styrning. Närmare bestämt undersöker studien hur socialsek-reterare upplever och förhåller sig till BBIC som ... -
Are you one of those who take children?” Child protection professionals views on the disinformation campaign - implications on the practice and for children’s rights
(2023-06-26)The aim of this thesis was to analyse how professionals at the Child protection services (CPS) perceive the disinformation campaign, how they related it to their work and how they cope with the potential effects related ... -
Working with Mentors in Violence Prevention: The experiences and understandings of professionals
(2023-02-08)The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences and analyse the understanding the professionals’, who work with youth at one of the schools where Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) was implemented, have of their ... -
“Always been an Alien” - A qualitative study on how multilingual young adults experience and navigate identity and belonging in Skopje, North Macedonia.
(2022-12-12)This study offers empirical arguments for how multilingual young adults navigate and experience identity and belonging in Skopje. A city reported to be, one of the most multicultural cities in South-East Europe, where ... -
“I give birth through my vagina and not my legs” - Ethiopian women with disabilities share their challenges in access to sexual and reproductive health services
(2022-11-25)The research aim was to learn more of the actual experiences women with disabilities have of their access to sexual and reproductive health services. Another purpose was to contribute more to the current literature due ...