Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Chinese immigrants studying and working in Sweden -A Push-Pull analysis of their motivation and experiences
This is a qualitative research study, which aims to explore why Chinese students
choose to study and work in Sweden and find out what “Pushes” them from China
and what “Pulls” them to study and work in Sweden. The “Push ...
VEM BLIR JAG I TERAPIRUMMET? om genus och föräldraskap utifrån kvinnors upplevelser av samtalsbehandling för alkoholproblem
Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur mödrar med alkoholproblem upplever samtalsbehandling. Syftet var också att undersöka om det fanns gemensamma teman i de intervjuades upplevelser. Det vidare syftet ...
Social workers with borders Finnish social workers’ perceptions of transnationalism in the practice with unaccompanied minor migrants
The aim of this paper was to study the perceptions which Finnish social workers hold of transnationalism in their practice with unaccompanied minors. Seeing how they perceived it as part of the minor’s lives, how they took ...
Re-integration of sex trafficking victims in Romania ̶ And the role of the social work professionals
The aim of this study was to explore how social work professionals describe re-integration of young female victims of sex trafficking in Romania. This study was based on eight semi-struc-tured in-depth interviews with ...
Challenges of Professional Integration: Experiences of non-EU Highly Skilled Professional Immigrants in Gothenburg, Sweden
Migration has been a global phenomenon. Sweden being one of the most industrious countries of Europe, with the best welfare system, Sweden has experienced considerable flow of both professional and nonprofessional immigrants. ...
The land of a thousand refused asylum seekers – the state of resources, coping strategies and prospects for the future: experiences of refused asylum seekers living in Finland
The aim of the thesis was to examine the experiences of refused asylum seekers in Finland by
finding out their state of resources, coping strategies and prospects for the future. In addition,
the thesis considered the ...
Social Impacts of Climate Change on Women’s Health in Belize
The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether climate change affects women’s health in Belize, and if so, how. Belize, being a low-lying coastline country is prone to suffer from repercussions of climate change. The ...
Att skapa sin barndom i flyktingskap - En studie om hur emotioner hos ensamkommande barn i Jordanien påverkar konstruktionen av deras barndom
Studiens syfte var att fylla en kunskapslucka kring hur emotioner hos ensamkommande barn
påverkar konstruktionen av dessa barns barndom. Studiens undersökningsgrupp bestod av nio
ensamkommande, nätverksplacerade barn i ...
The Balancing Act of Disclosure: Experiences of Stigma and Resistance Among Men Who Sell Sex to Men
Little attention has been given in previous research to disclosure about sex work and even less
to men’s experience of disclosure about selling sex. There is a lack of understanding of the
choices behind disclosure and ...