Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för historiska studier
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Energikrisen, intet nytt Könsföreställningar och könsroller så som de kommer till uttryck i svenska energisparkampanjen under 1970-talet
(2023-11-20)The primary aim of this essay has been twofold. First, to study how gender and gender roles are portrayed in the Swedish energy advertising campaign at the time of the oil crisis, and second, to analyze whether the ... -
Svenskar, västgötar eller vassbölingar? Föreställda gemenskaper bland allmogen under stora nordiska kriget
(2023-10-01)This study examines imagined communities at the grassroots level during the Great Northern War of 1700-1721. A specific district is studied is under investigation: the inland area of Vadsbo district in Skaraborg county. ... -
De avvikande sinnessjuka? Normer och förhandlingsutrymmen kring psykisk sjukdom och steriliseringar i 1930- och 40-talens Göteborg
(2023-09-05)This essay examines the sterilisation of people with mental illness in the years 1936, 1937 and 1942 in Gothenburg. Focusing on people with mental illness, rather than the more researched so-called feeble-minded, the aim ... -
Terrorism – en begreppshistorisk analys
(2023-09-05)This conceptual-historical study examines the term terrorism and different variations of the word in the Swedish and Italian press between 1870 and 1960. The basis of the study is the research conducted in the field of ... -
Labyrinth routes around the Middle Age Baltic Sea
(2023-08-17)Stone labyrinths are archaeological monuments found predominantly in the Nordic countries around the Baltic Sea, some 500 specimens are noted in Sweden and Finland. The abundance of smaller stones has provided the building ... -
Elakartade enigmatiska epidemier. En komparativ studie rörande den geografiska komponentens betydelse för sjukdomsincidens och dödlighet i epidemiska sjukdomar 1750–1810
(2023-06-09)The primary objective of this study has been to investigate whether geographical localization can be argued to be of significance for a communitys predispositon to suffer epidemic outbreaks and furthermore, to evaluate ... -
Chariots of the Atlantic Warriors - A Comparative Study of Chariot Motifs on Scandinavian and Iberian Rock Art
(2023-03-17)During the last two decades, ideas of long-distance interaction between cultures has gained an increased amount of attention in the field of Bronze Age research. Previous research has shown that such a long-distance ... -
Archaeology in the Shadow of Governments “Holy Land”. An analysis of the stories of what happens to Israeli-Palestinian cultural heritage during conflicts
(2022-10-06)From the Temple Mount to the Israelite tower to the convent, the significance of excavations in Jerusalem is unmatched. Layer by layer reveals the history of mankind in the holy land. But these excavations are more than ... -
The megaliths of Bohuslän in a south Scandinavian context
(2022-11-15)The transformation from a hunter/gatherer population to a farming society in southern Scandinavia is a process of only 300-400 years, primarily from around 4000 BC to around 3700 BC. Farming is then established in most of ... -
Kvinnor och män på museum. Fördjupad Studie av Genus på Museiutställningar
(2022-09-20)In this essay, the purpose was to analyze four different exhibitions from four different museums and how they represent women and men through objects, texts, and images with the help of gender theory or a gender perspective. ... -
”I fru Nicotinas tjänst” – fabrikssystern, tobaksarbeterskorna och Södergården åren 1916 – 1940
(2022-09-14)This study examines the work life of Herta Svenson as ”fabrikssyster”, a welfare manager, and the activities at the social settlement Södergården at the Swedish Tobacco Monopoly during the years 1916-1940. The objective ... -
Riskfylld handelskapitalism och västindiska marknader. Handels- och sjöfartskontakter mellan Göteborg och Västindien 1782 – 1806
(2022-06-22)I denna uppsats undersöktes handelssjöfarten mellan Göteborg och Västindien under tidsperioden 1782 – 1806. Syftet var undersöka handeln mellan de två regionerna för att få bättre kunskap om lokala handelshus koppling till ... -
Prosten och sockenstämman. Kontroll, konflikt och konsekvens i en mellansvensk landsbygd 1776 -1794
(2021-11-24)The objective of this study has been to investigate the interaction in the Sköllersta parish self-govern board in the middle of Sweden during the Provost Fredric Åhrbergs years of service 1776-1794. The investigation ... -
De folkförödande städerna. Dödlighetskriser under 1700-talet i svenska städer och landsbygd
(2021-10-26)The aim of this thesis is to investigate how a towns respective rural population in Sweden were influenced by bad harvests and epidemics during the 18 th century. The investigation is based on the demographic conditions ... -
All vår början bliver svår. Folkskolans införande 1805-1885 i Frändefors socken
(2021-10-22)Folkskolestadgan från 1842 har tillskrivits en avgörande betydelse för skolväsendets framväxt. När historiker beskrev den under 1800-talets andra och 1900-talets första hälft liknades den vid slutpunkten på en lång vandring. ... -
Gemenskapen. Försoningsstrid i Borås frikyrka under 1970-talet
(2021-10-13)This master is about a conflict that took place in the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden during the nineteen-seventies. In a church known as “Immanuelskyrkan”, located in the city of Borås, west of Sweden. The title in ... -
Dödens offentlighet, självmordets politik. Självmordet som ideologisk kamp i dagspressens notiser 1860–1900
(2021-09-21)Under 1800-talets sista decennier var självmord en självklar del av dagspressens rapportering. Det ägde rum mot bakgrund av en strukturell samhällsomvälvning samt en ideologisk drabbning mellan liberala, konservativa och ... -
Materialitet som aktant. Stonehenge, Mossen och Lindholm Høje - tre exempel på aktanter för liminalitet och begravningspraktik i tre olika tidsperioder
(2021-03-18)The purpose is to examine three materialities: Stonehenge, bogs (represented by Gullåkra, Rævmose, Aukamper Moor) and stone ships at Lindholm Høje. By focusing on their actantial function in relation to liminality and ... -
Explorativ graffiti. Flerdimensionalitet och polyagenter
(2021-02-26)Graffiti is a widespread term, often referring to illicit or troublesome imagery practices. In this essay graffiti from four independent locales has been explored through a polyagentive multidimensional approach. How changes ... -
Så skapades bilden av en kejsarinna Bilden av kejsarinnorna Plotina och Sabina som en del av kejsarnas maktutövning
(2020-12-08)The official images of the empresses Plotina and Sabina were changed during the period of the adoptive emperors Trajan and Hadrian. A central focus in this thesis is how Trajan and Hadrian exercised their power by letting ...