Now showing items 1-10 of 25
Utställningens tredje rum En komparativ analys av två svenska museers avkoloniseringsstrategier centrerad kring föremåls framställning i utställningar
This study aims to compare two exhibitions to find out the decolonizing strategies and how they are affecting the material culture that they exhibit. ñseums around the world are in the midst of decolonization. This process ...
Prosten och sockenstämman. Kontroll, konflikt och konsekvens i en mellansvensk landsbygd 1776 -1794
The objective of this study has been to investigate the interaction in the Sköllersta parish self-govern board in the middle of Sweden during the Provost Fredric Åhrbergs years of service 1776-1794. The investigation ...
Explorativ graffiti. Flerdimensionalitet och polyagenter
Graffiti is a widespread term, often referring to illicit or troublesome imagery practices. In this essay graffiti from four independent locales has been explored through a polyagentive multidimensional approach. How changes ...
Make Great Zimbabwe Great Again A study of the political usage of Great Zimbabwe 1980–2020
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to show how Great Zimbabwe was politically used during the period 1980-2020. This work was also carried out with the aim to examine and nuance how archaeology is used within the ...
The Site of an Unidentified Greek Settlement? New Surveys in Coda Volpe on Eastern Sicily
This study examines Greek colonisation’s potential for archaeology in relation to Coda Volpe district on eastern Sicily where necropoleis indicate the existence of unidentified both Greek and Roman settlements. Recent ...
Materialitet som aktant. Stonehenge, Mossen och Lindholm Høje - tre exempel på aktanter för liminalitet och begravningspraktik i tre olika tidsperioder
The purpose is to examine three materialities: Stonehenge, bogs (represented by Gullåkra, Rævmose, Aukamper Moor) and stone ships at Lindholm Høje. By focusing on their actantial function in relation to liminality and ...
Gemenskapen. Försoningsstrid i Borås frikyrka under 1970-talet
This master is about a conflict that took place in the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden during the nineteen-seventies. In a church known as “Immanuelskyrkan”, located in the city of Borås, west of Sweden. The title in ...
De folkförödande städerna. Dödlighetskriser under 1700-talet i svenska städer och landsbygd
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how a towns respective rural population in Sweden were influenced by bad harvests and epidemics during the 18 th century. The investigation is based on the demographic conditions ...
Dödens offentlighet, självmordets politik. Självmordet som ideologisk kamp i dagspressens notiser 1860–1900
Under 1800-talets sista decennier var självmord en självklar del av dagspressens rapportering. Det ägde rum mot bakgrund av en strukturell samhällsomvälvning samt en ideologisk drabbning mellan liberala, konservativa och ...
All vår början bliver svår. Folkskolans införande 1805-1885 i Frändefors socken
Folkskolestadgan från 1842 har tillskrivits en avgörande betydelse för skolväsendets framväxt. När historiker beskrev den under 1800-talets andra och 1900-talets första hälft liknades den vid slutpunkten på en lång vandring. ...