Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för historiska studier
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Ett landskap av tro. En uppsats om eventuella kopplingar mellan lämningar från yngre järnåldern och de första kyrkornas placering i västra Östergötland.
(2025-02-11)For some time, there has been a general thought that churches built in the Early Middle Ages in Scandinavia, around the 12th century, directly replaced cult buildings or cult sites from the Late Iron Age. There are ... -
Vad hände, herr Börjesson? En mikrohistorisk studie av Benjamin Carolus Börjessons anteckningar från 1850-1875 och dess värde som historiskt källmaterial i en undervisningssituation idag
(2024-08-06)Vad hände, herr Börjesson? är en mikrohistorisk studie som följer jordbrukaren Benjamin Carolus Börjesson mellan åren 1850-1875 på gården Stora Bäck i Tölö Socken med hjälp av hans anteckningsböcker. Utifrån ett ekonomiskt, ... -
Lärare och Lærer - en studie kring svenska och danska lärares syn på elever med intellektuella funktionshinder och deras undervisning under 1960-talet.
(2024-08-06)This comparative study explores Swedish and Danish teachers’ perspectives on students with intellectual disabilities and their education. The research focuses on the 1960s, a pivotal decade marked by paradigm shifts from ... -
Stockholms blodbad i historieboken: En läromedelsanalys under perioden 1869 - 1996
(2024-08-06)This thesis explores in which ways the portrayal of the event known as the Stockholm bloodbath has changed during the period 1869-1996. This is done through textbook analysis. In Sweden, history has been a school subject ... -
Kvinnor, giv akt! En studie av uttryck för genusstrukturer och skötsamhetsideal i tidskriften Morgonbris under första världskriget.
(2024-08-06)This thesis explores how the Swedish magazine Morgonbris depicted women's new roles in the workforce during World War I and whether these depictions challenged or upheld contemporary gender structures. The study addresses ... -
Låt maten tysta mun? De nationella elevorganisationernas inställning till skolmat och skolmatsdebatt 1957-1982
(2024-08-06)The purpose of this study is to examine the Swedish national student organizations attitudes towards school food and the school food debate between 1957-1982. The previous research on the subject maps the historical ... -
Kommunalisering, yay or nay? En jämförelse mellan riksdagspartiernas ställningstaganden angående kommunaliseringen av skolan 1988–1991
(2024-08-06)During the later parts of the 20th century there occurred several changes to the Swedish public sector. These changes aimed to effectivize and decentralize the governance model in the public sector. One of these changes ... -
Upplysning, rollspel eller lagstiftning? ANT-undervisningens utveckling 1962-1994
(2024-08-06)The use of alcohol, narcotics, and tobacco have all long been considered health hazards, especially among children and teenagers. It is therefor not surprising to find that schools have promoted against the use of these ... -
Bilden av det röda Kina. Mao Zedongs regeringstid i skolans läromedel i historia 1970-2010
(2024-08-06)This study investigates the evolution of depictions of Maoist China in Swedish history textbooks from 1970 to 2010. Through examining textbooks from this period, 20 years before the end of the cold war and 20 years after ... -
Maritime Encounters in the Neolithic. A Study of Pitted Ware Maritime Technology using Rock Art
(2024-08-06)This thesis studies the maritime technology potentially used by the Pitted Ware Complex which constituted societies and groups that practiced a mixed economy with a particular focus on maritime subsistence, a stark contrast ... -
En övergiven torpmiljö. Materiella och immateriella lämningar från torpen kring Brunnslid i Kinneveds socken, Västergötland.
(2024-08-06)This essay presents an investigation of the ruins of an assembly of crofts in a rural area in the south of Sweden, outside the town Falköping. Using literary sources and intangible sources, and then combine them with the ... -
Härskarna i Uppåkra och Lejre. Om förkristna härskarideal i arkeologiskt material från två sydskandinaviska kontexter.
(2024-06-17)This study aims to investigate the concept of pre-Christian rulership in archaeological material. The information on ruler ideology from Scandinavian contexts before Christianity was established in the region is often ... -
Australian Rock Art - Digital Preservation of the Narrative Context?
(2024-06-14)The thesis investigates how living cultures with a history of primary orality can create safe virtual environments for indigenous communities, in which they can use internet platforms as an extension of their long-established ... -
Fyndsamling av arkeologiskt material
(2024-03-01)Museum collections (Swedish Fyndsamling) have increased in both quantity and with time. In the second half of the 20th century, this has been referred to as the creation of an "archeological find mountain" (Swedish ... -
Vår kris eller den andres krig? - en analys av diskursen kring motståndsgrupper i Afghanistan.
(2024-03-01)Sammanfattningsvis, ändamålet med denna uppsats var att besvara följande frågeställning; Framställs Afghanistans motståndsrörelser olika i Svenska Dagbladet mellan perioden 1979 - 1989 och 2001 - 2011? Slutsatsen är att ... -
Artificial Intelligence In The Field Of Archaeology
(2024-01-25)Artificial intelligence is something the world has only just been starting to get a grasp on. The race for who can create the best model is taking place all around the globe. In archaeology, the usage of programs like these ... -
100 år av representativ demokrati - Hur har våra ”blivande ministrars” bakgrund förändrats under denna tid?
(2023-11-06)Background, objectives, earlier research, and method The Swedish parliament approved universal and equal suffrage for women and men on 24 May 1919. The election to the Swedish second chamber in the parliament in fall ... -
Constructing a civilized wilderness. An intersectional discourse analysis of the Sierra Club 1893-1910
(2023-10-05)This study investigates if and how the Sierra Club adapted complex and contradictory rationalizations to legitimize their authority in wilderness and civilization. The study aims thereby to enhance our understanding of the ...