Kollektivt Musicerande
en undersökning om orkestermusikerns musikaliska arbetsförhållanden
The purpose of this master thesis is to identify some phenomena that may contribute or work against the individual musician’s opportunities to contribute with their personal musical intuition in the orchestral work. I want to investigate under which conditions and in what context the orchestra environment gives musicians opportunities to take musical initiatives. I will also test a method to develop and work with musical intuition in a staged trombone audition called blåst. My wish is to highlight orchestra musician's perspective and experiences and to discuss where in an orchestral musician’s everyday work the artistic and authentic musical initiative appears and how we are going about it. My method in doing this is interviewing orchestra musicians from different orchestral forms such as wind orchestra, opera orchestra and symphony orchestras. This master thesis consists of my own reflections of orchestral work, the staged trombone audition blåst, qualitative research interviews with orchestra musicians, thesis and articles. In the final reflection some words sums up what you as an orchestral musician need to maneuver in order to make music. Confidence is one word, confidence in your own musical and technical ability, confidence from your colleagues, confidence in the conductor and confidence in the music. Some other words are presence, teamwork, subordination and musical judgment.
Student essay
Moberg, Paulina
collective musicianship
orchestral work
musical work environment
musical intuition