Untitled (Dance of Death)
Supported by
Critical Heritage Studies Grant
Description of project
Untitled (Dance of Death) is a set of curtains hanging in the White Visitors’ Bedroom. The pattern refers to psychoanalyst Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ 1969 hypothesis of five stages of grief that follow visitation by trauma, extreme change or death. A not too dissimilar diagram charting the trajectory of the planet Melancholia and its impending collision with Earth appeared in Lars von Trier’s film, shot in the grounds of Tjolöholm beyond the windows where these curtains now hang. Untitled (Dance of Death) also represents what a process of making art responsively to a specific heritage site may entail. This project was supported by a Critical Cultural Heritage Grant from GU and was produced in association with the European Union funded project, In-Site, which seeks to examine the possibilities for contemporary art in heritage contexts/settings.
Type of work
Site-Specific Art
Published in
Tjolohölm Castle
Bowman, Jason E.
Site-Specific Art
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Lars von Trier
Heritage Studies
Publication type
artistic work