Magisteruppsatser / Institutionen för språk och litteraturer: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 117
Översättning av självhjälpslitteratur. En studie utifrån två analysmodeller
(2024-11-19)Nida delar in ekvivalens i formell sådan, det vill säga till form och innehåll, samt dynamisk, det vill säga till motsvarighet i vilket intryck texten gör på läsaren. I den här studien har jag översatt en del av en ... -
MUNICIPAL PRACTICES OF THE JAPANESE AND SWEDISH LANGUAGE POLICY AND PLANNING - A Comparison of Learning Support for Schoolchildren in Chiba and Gothenburg
(2024-10-09)The aim of this research is to compare the implementation of language policy and planning related to learning support in Chiba City, Japan and Gothenburg City, Sweden, for schoolchildren who need learning support due to ... -
A nexus analysis of textual material about the volunteer experience at the ministry of storytelling
(2024-10-08)This project analyses the Volunteer Handbook from The Ministry of Storytelling by isolating three separate social actions and the many different factors that contribute to the social actions. The topic of this paper was ... -
EL LENGUAJE DE LA FE - Un análisis sobre la familiaridad y la percepción del uso de expresiones idiomáticas relacionadas al catolicismo en Colombia
(2024-07-04)Las expresiones idiomáticas constituyen un objeto de estudio interesante no solo por sus rasgos léxicos y semánticos, sino también por el significado cultural que representan para una comunidad de habla. Esto no es una ... -
Does autism affect writing in English as a foreign language? A comparison between students with autism and their neurotypical peers
(2024-07-04)This study examines whether there is any difference in writing skills between stu- dents with autism and neurotypical students when writing in English as a foreign language. Thereafter it examines if the results correspond ... -
TE REO MĀORI AND MĀORITANGA REPRESENTATION IN FICTION: A Discourse Analysis of te reo Use in Witi Ihimaera’s novel The Whale Rider (1987)
(2024-07-04)In recent years Māori culture has gained significant recognition through its depiction in mass media like Disney’s Moana (2016) or Avatar: The Way of Water (2022). Voices within the community had called out against the ... -
DEUTSCH-ENGLISCHES CODE-SWITCHING IN SOZIALEN MEDIEN - Soziolinguistische Korpusanalyse von Kommentaren auf TikTok unter Beiträgen über Lebensgeschichten, Humor und Hobbys
(2024-07-04)In recent years code-switching is becoming more and more popular in sociolinguistic studies. This essay deals with the analysis of this phenomenon based on the comments published on TikTok, a social media platform used ... -
Modal auxiliaries in English and Swedish A contrastive study of English can/could, may/might, and Swedish kunna and få
(2024-01-22)The results suggest that English can and could, when expressing dynamic modality, are mainly translated as respectively kan and kunde. When omitted in the translation, the main verb with which they co occur is often a ... -
Willingness to Communicate in EFL Classrooms: A Qualitative Study on the Perspectives of Upper Secondary Students in Sweden
(2023-10-17)This qualitative research paper aims to investigate the EFL learner perspective on WTC and which factors influence their WTC. Additionally, another aim is to investigate if there is a difference in WTC between English ... -
(2023-06-26)It has long been known that Enoch 2, short recension, contains plenty of Hebraisms and many scholars commented on them. The present work is the first systematic study of Hebraisms based on two methods: comparative, ... -
(2023-06-21)The essay investigates Garissa dialect, aiming to examine how far it is different from, or similar to, the standard Somali when it comes to verbal morphology. There are only very general studies of Somali dialects, and no ... -
(2023-04-19)Understanding cross-cultural differences plays a crucial role in communication and successful cross-cultural communications depends on various factors such as pragmalinguistics and sociopragmatics. Many researchers focus ... -
FUNDAMENT I ENGELSKA OCH SVENSKA - En jämförelse av en engelsk populärvetenskaplig text och dess svenska översättning
(2023-03-20)I studien analyseras strukturen hos 150 engelska fundament och deras svenska översättningar ur ett nästan sammanhängande utdrag från den engelska populärvetenskapliga boken Berlin: The Downfall 1945 och dess svenska ... -
La politesse et le ménagement de la face dans L’école des femmes de Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molière
(2022-09-29)Résumé Mémoire : 15 crédits ETCS Programme et cours : Langue et communication interculturelle Niveau : Niveau avancé Semestre/année : Semestre du printemps 2022 Directeur/rice : Andreas Romeborn et Linnéa Koré Examinateur ... -
VERBASPEKT OCH TEMPUS I FORNKYRKOSLAVISKA – en undersökning av några handskrifter till Physiologus
(2022-09-13)Mitt syfte med detta arbete är att undersöka, om det går att se om verbaspekt och tempus förändras i en text, som traderas av kopister under flera århundraden. Min metod är att använda tre berättelser ur Physiologus ... -
Folie, Désir, Mort : La folie féminine dans L’Amant de Marguerite Duras
(2022-08-08)The theme of madness pervades the majority of Marguerite Duras’ novels. Writing during a time when the subject of madness was in the process of being philosophically revolutionized by Foucault’s seminal writings on the ... -
Folie, Désir, Mort : La folie féminine dans L’Amant de Marguerite Duras
(2022-06-21)The theme of madness pervades the majority of Marguerite Duras’ novels. Writing during a time when the subject of madness was in the process of being philosophically revolutionized by Foucault’s seminal writings on the ... -
ANXIÉTÉ ET PLAISIR DANS L'APPRENTISSAGE D’UNE LANGUE ÉTRANGÈRE. Une étude des émotions chez les apprenants du français en Biélorussie
(2022-06-02)Les émotions ont une grande importance dans le processus d’acquisition d’une langue étrangère. L’émergence d’émotions négatives durant le processus d’apprentissage peut empêcher le développement langagier. Dans le même ... -
KÄRLEKEN I AL-ḤALLĀJ POESI الحُبُّ في شِعر الحلاّج
(2022-01-27)I den här uppsatsen om den medeltida arabiskspråkiga, sufiska tänkaren och poeten al-Ḥallāj (ca. 858 - 26 mars 922 vår tideräkning) beskriver jag främst mästarens emotionella lyrik mot bakgrund av en turbulent epok, präglad ... -
QUEER JAPANESE. The modern-day language usage of Japanese LGBTQ+ people
(2022-01-25)Gendered language is a well-known feature of Japanese, but how is it applied by a speaker who does not fit the cisgender or heteronormative standards in society? In a 2010 study, Hideko Abe published a book titled Queer ...