Now showing items 1-7 of 7
“Bolado: Perhaps the most typical and used word in the Salvadoran colloquial language.” One of the most commonly used words in Salvadoran Spanish is an imprecise and recurrent noun that belongs to the spoken informal ...
GENDER-STEREOTYPES, FOOD AND ADVERTISING. An Analysis of Gender-role Portrayal and Gendered Language in Japanese Video Commercials
This thesis aims to investigate Japanese gender stereotypes through the analysis of gender role portrayals in video commercials of the product category food and cooking, as well as by observing the use of gender specific ...
POWER IN TRANSLATION. Bringing Japan to the West
Studying the Japanese language in translation is highly interesting, given its many unique linguistic features and the distinctive cultural setting in which it is primarily used. Adopting Japanese works into Western languages ...
EL USO Y EL SIGNIFICADO DE QUEDÓ MUDO Y SE QUEDÓ MUDO EN LAS VARIEDADES CHILENA Y COLOMBIANA. Un desafío para la comunicación intercultural y el aprendizaje ELE en español moderno
Det finns variation i användningen av förändringsverben quedar och quedarse i den spansktalande världen, vilket försvårar inlärningen av dessa i spanska som främmande språk och påverkar den interkulturella kommunikationen. ...
Analysis of the political debate on citizenship testing in Sweden and the UK
In recent decades, more and more countries in the Western world have introduced higher requirements on language and civics skills for the granting of citizenship. This tendency has been referred to by Joppke (2007) as ‘the ...
A WORLD OF RICE AND GODS: WHERE WHITE GRAINS SYMBOLIZE WEALTH. A study of Japanese game localization and crosscultural translation
Studies of Japanese translation are a common topic, and with good reason. There is extensive material
to work with, and the vast differences between Japanese and many other languages creates translation
challenges of ...
Intercultural communication between Arabic speakers in Sweden as a microculture and the Swedish health care system as a macroculture in the context of healthcare
This study aims to investigate the communication between Arabic speakers in Sweden as a microculture and the Swedish health care system as a macroculture in the context of healthcare. The study has both a qualitative and ...