Now showing items 1-10 of 25
Liquid landscapes: Human-water interactions and water scarcity in Yanque, Peru
In the farming district of Yanque in the Southern Peruvian Andes, everyday life revolves around acquiring enough water for irrigation. This thesis concerns water scarcity and focuses on a range of water management practices. ...
Towards an everyday peace? Exploring the political significance of everyday life in post-war Nepal
This thesis aims to further our understanding of the political significance of everyday life in post-war Nepal. Building on the ethnographic turn of the everyday peace literature, I treat everyday life as a site of political ...
Ghostlines: Movements, Anticipations, and Drawings of the LAPSSET Development Corridor in Kenya
The Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport (LAPSSET) corridor is a partly completed development corridor in Kenya that will connect the eponymous places via roads, pipelines and railway lines, if completed. This thesis ...
Constructive Conflict in Classrooms and Beyond
Conflict has exercised the minds of scholars since the establishment of the academy. Yet, those studying conflict continue to struggle over what, precisely, it is, and how and why it occurs. While theorists have made ...
Living in times of climate change. Weather-related understandings, realities, and entanglements among Guarani people in the Bolivian Chaco
Since climate change became an issue of public concern worldwide, the weather has attracted increasing attention and come to stand as a common ground for joint action between Indigenous people and governmental and ...
Governing the European Asylum System at the Greek Border Islands
This thesis provides an understanding of the governance of the European asylum regime at the Greek border islands from a multi-level governance perspective. Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Kos, and Leros are the islands which, over ...
The Right Kind of Queer: Race, Sexuality, and Gender in Contemporary Constructions of Swedishness
Recent years have seen an increased mobilisation of LGBT rights in nationalist projects of (non-)belonging. This thesis provides new insights into the role played by race, sexuality, and gender in these projects by examining ...
Röster från svenskt yrkesfiske. Rapport om uppföljningsintervjuer
(University of Gothenburg / Göteborgs universitet, 2021)
THE INITIATION OF A NORM FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTH Rwanda’s Gacaca, Pioneering the “Traditional” Transitional Justice Norm
This thesis investigates the pre-emergence phase of an internationalized norm by focusing on Rwanda’s creation of Gacaca. It argues that the Gacaca pioneered
the “traditional” transitional justice norm. It thus, addresses ...
Hur mår den svenska yrkesfiskaren idag? I denna rapport redovisar vi hur yrkesfiskare i dagens Sverige
utövar sitt yrke, vilka utmaningar de möter, vilka frågor och problemområden de vill lyfta fram, och i
vilken grad ...