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Meister Eckhart’s Ontology of the Subject: Deep exegesis, Trickle-Down metaphysics, and Accidental Humanism
(2024-12-10)Meister Eckhart has historically been considered more of a mystic than philosopher. Renowned for spectacular sermons delivered in the vernacular, describing the divine nature deep in the roots of all beings and the human ... -
SYNSÄTT PÅ EVIDENS En analys av olika bedömningar och beslut kring läkemedelsbehandling för patienter med depression, anorexia nervosa och undervikt
(2024-10-25)Evidensens roll i sjukvården är numera central men den kunskapsmässiga kedjan, från sammanställning av evidens till behandling av patienter i klinisk praxis, kan påverkas av olika bedömningar och perspektiv. Samsjuklighet ... -
Cyclic Proofs for Theories of Truth
(2024-08-12)Formal theories of truth aim to help us understand the notion of truth and its role in logic and mathematics. The field has come forth from Tarski’s effort to give a formal truth definition, and has since seen significant ... -
EN STABIL GRUNDFYSIK? Fysprofilens nätverk, praktik och översättningar
(2024-06-25)Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur Fysprofilen görs genom ett sociomateriellt nätverk av aktörer som trots sin diversitet i görande av Fysprofilen, bidrar till att skapa och upprätthålla den. Utgångspunkten är ... -
Judaism and the Shape of Power Examining the censorship of philosophical discourse in the medieval university from the perspective of Jewish-Christian relations
(2024-04-29)The development of the medieval university, particularly in Paris, is inextricable from the surrounding Jewish-Christian relationships. This is because disputation, in all its forms, played a definitive role in shaping ... -
A new take on Plato’s Parmenides from the past: Translation of Porphyry’s Commentary on Plato’s Parmenides
(2024-01-24)In this paper, I am translating and commenting Porphyry’s commentary on one of the most difficult philosophical texts, namely, Plato’s Parmenides. I do not dare to even think of giving an answer to all the inquiries that ... -
SENSORY ECOLOGY: Hearing viriditas in the writings of Hildegard of Bingen
(2023-10-13)Human intrusion into the environment have resulted in heightened levels of anthropogenic noise, which studies have shown, have lasting effects on plant diversity. Embodied hearing experiences that are presented by historical ... -
ECOLOGICAL THEOLOGY: The sense of hearing in the writings of Hildegard of Bingen
(2023-10-13)There is an ecological crisis swiftly approaching and manifesting within us, and in a time when the narratives we live by have become untenable, it asserts a specific role for scholars and scientists: to reassess and ... -
Echo Chambers and Collective Epistemic Vice
(2023-09-06)Echo chambers are a recently popularised subject for discussion in terms of their presenting or not presenting an epistemic problem. One common assumption about echo chambers is that they are bad for the overall epistemic ... -
Type Theories of Natural Numbers: A Study of Conservative Extension
(2023-06-30)We present some possible definitions for what it means for a type theory to be a conservative extension over another type theory. We do so by giving two type theories of natural numbers: T T (N) and T T (N, ×). T T (N) is ... -
Quantitative Probabilistic Fixed Point Logic and the Problem of Satisfiability
(2023-06-26)The analysis of time-dependent systems in a probabilistic setting has greatly benefited from the application of temporal logic. This thesis focuses on a specific probabilistic modal fixed point logic setup, which offers a ... -
Hydra Games for Cut Elimination and Ordinal Analysis of IPL2
(2023-06-22)Intuitionistic propositional logic with 2nd order propositional quantifiers (IPL2) was introduced by Gabbay in 1974. Since then, a substantial body of work has been written about its semantics. However, there has not been ... -
Deflationism in Logic, Formal Theories of Truth and Philosophy
(2023-06-20)The concept of truth has been studied and used along the areas of philosophy, logic, and mathematics. Although is the same word (“truth”) it has been used in very different ways in each area. Logicians have studied truth ... -
The Argument from Experience for a Dynamic View of Time: A Defence
(2023-06-20)Perhaps the most significant argument in favor of the reality of time's passage is the argument from experience. More or less, this argument says that our experience of the passage of time gives us good reason for considering ... -
ATT GÖRA EBP Styrning, stöttning och viljor i framtagandet av ett webbaserat stöd i EBP för socialtjänsten
(2022-12-01)Bakgrund: En ny socialtjänstlag träder i kraft och ställer krav på att verksamheter inom socialtjänsten ska bedrivas utifrån vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet, vilket också är en utav kunskapskällorna inom modellen för en ... -
”DET FINNS JU EN VISS ORO AV ATT MAN FAMLAR I MÖRKER” En analys av ett kommunalt arbetsmarknadsarbete
(2022-08-17)Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka förutsättningarna för att tillämpa evidensbaserad praktik i ett arbetsmarknadspolitiskt sammanhang som karakteriseras av en avsaknad av bindande regler och bristfälligt ... -
What’s the Name of the Game? Dialogue Game Semantics for Intuitionistic Modal Logic with Strict Implication
(2022-06-27)In this thesis we will develop dialogue game semantics for intuitionistic modal logic with strict implication. We begin by introducing Kripke se- mantics and proof systems for intuitionistic modal logic. Afterwards, we ... -
Proof Theory of Circular Description Logics
(2022-06-23)In [12], Hofmann introduces a sequent calculus for the description logic EL where the TBoxes allow for circular concept definitions. In this thesis, we apply this frame- work to a family of DLs which allow for circular ... -
Nå ut - En analys av den externa kommunikationen vid två lärosäten
(2022-06-20)Syfte: Att utveckla och tillämpa ett teoretiskt ramverk för att kvalitativt analysera ex- tern kommunikation från institutioner inom högre utbildning avseende förhål- landet mellan kommunikationspolicyer och producerade ...