Browsing Kandidatuppsatser /Institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori by Issue Date
Now showing items 61-63 of 63
What’s the Point of State-of-Nature Models?
(2024-03-20)Practical explanations are tools which aim to clarify the evolution and function of our conceptual practices. There is current discussion about how we ought to construct and interpret practical explanations, and more ... -
(2024-06-25)Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka korrelationen mellan nivå av dialektalt uttal och dialekten som identitetsmarkör, korrelationen mellan nivå av dialektalt uttal och negativa språkattityder, samt till vilken nivå negativa ... -
Pluralism and Disagreement Can moral motivation pluralism survive meta-ethical disagreement?
(2024-10-21)Meta-ethical pluralism is a recent set of theories claiming that multiple of the currently relevant meta-ethical theories can be correct at the same time. I will focus on a pluralist analysis of moral motivation that ...