Now showing items 1-10 of 34
Spaces of Encounter: Art and Revision in Human-Animal Relations
This PhD project explores contemporary Western human relationships with animals through a ‘relational’ art practice. It centres on three art projects produced by Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson – nanoq: flat out and bluesome; (a)fly; ...
Light Shapes Spaces: Experience of Distribution of Light and Visual Spatial Boundaries
Light enables us to experience space. The distribution of light is vital for spatial experience
but has not been the main focus of previous research on lighting. The lighting designer’s
professional knowledge is to a ...
Ateljésamtalets utmaning – ett bildningsperspektiv
The present study is in the field of Educational Science and is an investigation of the studio critiques i.e. the teacher/student studio interactions that take place as part of two higher education programmes in the Fine ...
Musik och kunskapsbildning. En festskrift till Bengt Olsson
(Konstnärliga fakulteten, Göteborgs universitet, 2011-05-11)
”Musik och kunskapsbildning. En festskrift till Bengt Olsson” är en hyllning till professor Bengt Olsson, innehavaren av professuren i Musikpedagogik vid Göteborgs universitet, på hans 65-årsdag. I bokens 27 artiklar ...
Att skapa ordning för det estetiska i skolan. Diskursiva positioneringar i samtal med lärare och skolledare
Recent rhetoric on aesthetic activities of the school has gained an increasingly large
scope over the last few decades in Swedish texts on educational politics and educational
science. In relation to the questioning of ...
Sångaren på den tomma spelplatsen - en poetik. Att gestalta Gilgamesheposet och sånger av John Dowland och Evert Taube
The aim of this doctoral project is to explore an expanded role of the singer in an artistic field
situated between poetry, theatre, music and reflection. The project consists of three parts:
Firstly, three performances ...
Att ge form åt musikaliska gestaltningar. En socialsemiotisk studie av körledares multimodala kommunikation i kör
The purpose of this thesis is to identify and describe how musical interpretations and
performances are semiotically designed and realised by choir conductors in their interaction
with choir singers during rehearsals and ...
Devices. On Hospitality, Hostility and Design
This thesis studies and speculates upon the interrelations of artefacts with human and nonhuman agents. These interrelations form assemblages, some of which have emergent properties, becoming manifestations of processes ...
“Lasciatemi morire” o farò “La Finta Pazza”: Embodying Vocal Nothingness on Stage in Italian and French 17th Century Operatic Laments and Mad Scenes
This music research drama thesis explores and presents a singer’s artistic research process
from the first meeting with a musical score until the first steps of the performance on stage.
The aim has been to define and ...