Now showing items 1-2 of 2
148. Carbon nanotubes
(Arbets- och miljömedicin, Göteborgs universitet, 2013)
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be seen as graphene sheets rolled to form cylinders.
CNTs may be categorised as single- (SWCNT) or multi-walled (MWCNT). Due
to the small size, the number of particles as well as the surface ...
148. Carbon nanotubes
(Arbets- och miljömedicin, Göteborgs universitet, 2013)
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be seen as graphene sheets rolled to form cylinders.
CNTs may be categorised as single- (SWCNT) or multi-walled (MWCNT). Due
to the small size, the number of particles as well as the surface ...