Now showing items 1-10 of 135
Lärande dialogSamtalsmönster, perspektivförändring och lärande i gruppsamtal
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)
This thesis is concerned with the prospects of learning from talking within a small group. The purpose of the study is to add to our knowledge of dialogue through group communication as a social event, based on human ...
The Nordic Expert Group for Criteria Documentation of Health Risks from Chemicals 122. Dichlorobenzenes
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)
Ortho- and para-dichlorobenzenes are more widely used than the meta isomer. The use of p-DCB in space deodorants and moth repellents may result in non-occupational exposure. o-DCB is a skin irritant, and may cause ...
Skaderelaterade faktorer i skolmiljön Utveckling av ett instrument för registrering och analys av elevskador
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)
The school constitutes an environment of public-health concern since it is the location of occurrence of a major proportion of injuries sustained by children. This paper reviews a total of 43 empirical studies dealing with ...
Physical loads and aspects of physical performance in middle-aged men and women
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1999)
This investigation aimed at a description of different aspects of physical loads during a 24 year follow-up (1970-1993) in 484 men and women born between 1935 and 1952, in relation to different aspects of physical performance, ...
Irritativ och kontaktallergen påverkan av huden vid arbete inom hemtjänsten Hur handeksem förebyggs genom kunskap utveckling av ett utbildningsprogram
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1999)
Irritant and and contact allergic influence of the skin from home help service work. How hand eczema can be prevented through education The development of an educational program. Sweden is a country with 8.5 mill. inhabitants ...
Criteria Documents from the Nordic Expert Group 1993
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1993)
Elevskador i ett arbetsmiljöperspektiv Vad kan vi lära av kommunbaserade skolstudier?
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1997)
Examination of the research literature have been undertaken with regard to the registration and analysis of injuries to pupils at school. A frame of analysis based on a consensus within occupational-injury research is ...
Ett friskt arbetsliv Fysiska och psykosociala orsakssamband samt möjligheter till prevention och tidig rehabilitering
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1999)
In an anthology the state of the art regarding mechanisms and relationships for health and illness in relation to work life factors of psychosocial, organisational and physical nature. Further more, the present knowledge ...
Perceived fatigue related to work
(Arbetslivsinstitutet, 1998)
Perceived fatigue at work is important because it may be unpleasant for the individual, it may interfere with productivity, and prolonged fatigue without recovery may lead to work-related disorders. This thesis presents a ...