Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Västlänken - Infrastruktursatsning i envägskommunikation eller dialog?
This study is about the participatory planning that took place regarding the planning of Västlänken. In the 1980s preliminary studies begun concerning the infrastructure project, which has gained momentum today. Västlänken, ...
Grön Platsmarknadsföring: En fallstudie av Växjö & Malmö
Grön platsmarknadsföring är ett koncept som nyligen uppstått som ett
forskningsområde och har uppstått som ett resultat av ett ökat intresse från lokala
makthavare att marknadsföra sig som gröna. Detta är i sin tur ...
Marine Spatial Planning - From a municipal perspective
Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) aims to, through physical planning of the marine areas, contribute to a
sustainable development where various interests can get along. This master thesis concerns Marine
Spatial Planning ...
Balancing use and conservation in marine spatial planning - Perspectives of sustainability and the ecosystem approach in a Swedish context
The environmental concern and interest in marine resources are growing, which is reflected within marine policies in the European Union. In 2007 the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) was adopted, aiming at collecting and ...
Accessible space? Urban youths’ needs and barriers in everyday life
In the light of new sustainability challenges in cities brought forward by increasing urban
populations, the realm of urban transportation research has gradually digressed from planning
for accessibility by mobility to ...
Planning from visions: An investigation of the future of Gamlestaden
This study concerns the vision regarding construction in Gamlestaden. During the last century the urban district Gamlestaden in Gothenburg, Sweden, has been regarded as a node for the industry that came to define the city. ...