JMG - Department of Journalism, Media and Communication / Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation
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“WE ARE CAIA”. En kvalitativ multimodal semiotisk analys om hur Caia Cosmetics, tillsammans med Bianca Ingrosso som influencer skapar varumärkesidentitet och -gemenskap.
(2024-09-18)In today's digital landscape, social media has become a key platform for companies to build and maintain strong brand communities. This thesis aims to explore how Caia Cosmetics, a leading beauty brand, utilizes social ... -
”DET FINNS SÅ MÅNGA BÖCKER OCH SÅ LITE TID”. En kvalitativ intervjustudie om användningen av tryckta böcker, e-böcker och ljudböcker
(2024-09-18)Nowadays, you can have an entire library in your pocket. The digitalization has contributed to a wide range of ways to consume literature and made it possible for users to choose between different types of formats. Apart ... -
"HAR NI ÄNDRAT SENSITIVITY?”. SVT:s gestaltningar av gaming ur ett subkulturellt perspektiv
(2024-09-18)Our study is a qualitative textual analysis of how Sveriges Television (SVT) portrays digital gaming—something we refer to as just "gaming" in our research—from a subcultural perspective. We contend that there is an ... -
”TÄNK PÅ ERA GRANNAR – DET STINKER NÄR DEN BRINNER”. En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om gestaltningarna av påskupploppen i Sverige 2022 och upploppen i Danmark 2019
(2024-09-18)During the easter of 2022, Sweden was met with various riots near numerous Swedish cities. The riots were due to various Quran-burnings that had taken place at the same time. Three years earlier, similar events had taken ... -
”MEN JAG SÅG DET PÅ TIKTOK...”. En kvalitativ studie i ungdomars förhållningssätt till desinformation på Tiktok
(2024-09-18)In today's society, social media is a significant part of most people's lives, especially among the younger generation. TikTok is a relatively new platform that has become very popular since its launch in 2018. This is ... -
FRÅN IDEOLOGISTRID TILL IMAGESKAPANDE. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av utvecklingen hos svenska valaffischer och deras återspegling av historiska tidsperioder.
(2024-09-17)This thesis aims to explore and analyze the election posters of the Swedish political parties “Moderaterna” and "Socialdemokraterna" from the years 1921, 1964 and 2014, with focus on how they reflect their respective ... -
”EN SKITSMART, DUM ASSISTENT”. En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur yrkesverksamma inom kommunikation förstår och förhåller sig till generativa AI-verktyg
(2024-09-17)This thesis focuses on the intersection of organizational communication and generative AI tools. It highlights the rapid evolution of generative AI tools, which has become more accessible to the general public, and ... -
KAN MAN KÖPA SIG FRI? En kvalitativ studie om två generationers attityder till riktad reklam och möjligheten att köpa sig fri från riktad reklam
(2024-09-17)In October 2023, Meta introduced a paid service that gave users the option to pay to avoid targeted advertising in their Instagram feed. Previous research has studied how different generations perceive targeted advertising, ... -
POLISENS BROTTSFÖREBYGGANDE INFORMATIONSKAMPANJER. En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur äldre brottsoffer uppfattar Polisens kommunikationsinsatser gällande åldringsbrott
(2024-09-09)This study examines the crime prevention information campaigns of the Police targeting the elderly, focusing specifically on their effectiveness and how these campaigns are perceived by the older target group. Crimes ... -
“ATT KLIPPA NÅGON ÄR JAG LÄTT PÅ”. En tematisk analys av hur unga kriminella gestaltas i svenska nyhetsartiklar och podcasts
(2024-09-09)Young criminality is a topic that is very relevant in today's society, in relation to the current conflict between criminal networks in the Swedish society. Media reporting about young criminals can give an incorrect ... -
(MAR)DRÖMMARNAS MONUMENT? En kvalitativ argumentations- och retorikanalys av kulturdebatten kring konstverket Drömmarnas monument.
(2024-04-04)When the public artwork Drömmarnas monument was installed at Götaplatsen in Gothenburg in the summer of 2023, it became the starting point for one of Gothenburg's most talked about and controversial cultural events. ... -
Populärt med populism? En kvantitativ och kvalitativ analys om alternativmediers populistiska uttryck i rapporteringen om terrordådet mot svenskar i Bryssel 2023
(2024-03-12)The aim of this study is to investigate the populism aspect within alternative right-wing and left-wing media. It is carried out by conducting a quantitative study combined with a qualitative study for closer analysis. ... -
Framtidens mediehus byggs med digital verktygslåda. En kvalitativ studie över hur digitala verktyg påverkat sportjournalistiken på lokala tidningsredaktioner
(2024-03-12)The aim of this study was to investigate how sport journalists who work on local newspaper editorial offices experiences the adaption into use of digital tools in the journalistic work, and find out what factors that ... -
”INGEN VILL JU HA EN SHORT GUY”. En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur unga män uppfattar och upplever sig påverkas av utseendenormer på Instagram
(2024-03-12)Throughout history, beauty ideals have existed as a societal construct, but the recent phenomenon lies in the rapid and widespread dissemination of these ideals through social media. Platforms like Instagram encourage ... -
”DET KAN TILL OCH MED FÖRSTÖRA LIV”. En kritisk diskursanalys om nyhetsmediernas framställning av sociala medier-kunnighet i samband med skvallerkonton
(2024-03-11)This study deals with social media literacy by examining how media discuss the so-called rumor accounts on popular networking sites. This topic is relevant since this phenomenon first gained a lot of media attention ... -
"DE VILLE JU VÄCKA KÄNSLOR, JA, OCH DET FUNKADE”. En kvalitativ studie om visuell storytelling ur ett mottagarperspektiv
(2024-03-11)In a constantly and rapidly developing world where the environment, human rights and inclusivity has become more important topics on the agenda than ever before, companies have had to adapt their marketing strategies to ... -
IMAGINE THAT – DATORREKLAM SOM UTTRYCK FÖR SAMTIDA SAMHÄLLSIDEAL. En multimodal kritisk diskursanalys av 1980-talets reklambilder för persondatorer
(2024-03-06)Until the 1970s, computers were primarily being used by universities, bigger companies or nationstates. With the invention of the microchip the average size of computers was reduced and they became more affordable, ... -
“MAN DRUNKNAR I INFORMATION FAKTISKT, DET ÄR ETT JÄTTEPROBLEM”. En kvalitativ intervjustudie av hur forskare söker information i sitt forskningsarbete.
(2024-03-06)To search for information today is, by many, seen as an easy and uncomplicated task. All you need is a digital device and the knowledge of the world is there for you to find and use. To search for information with a ... -
“Det är ju egentligen bara mobbning men det bygger den här kamratskapen”. En kvalitativ studie om hur manliga soldater uppfattar den personliga kommunikationen i den svenska arméns mansdominerade sfär
(2024-03-06)In the years 2010-2017 the mandatory military service was put on hold after decades of massive decrease in funds going to support the army. Putting the military service on hold led to issues in the Swedish military’s ... -
KOM SOM DU ÄR. En semiotisk analys av Försvarsmaktens filmkampanjer utifrån ett genusperspektiv
(2024-03-06)In recent decades, the Swedish Armed Forces have undergone major changes as gender neutral. Men and women must fight side by side for the motherland as equals. This new conscription creates new challenges for the Swedish ...