JMG - Department of Journalism, Media and Communication / Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 1056
En vågskål mellan anpassning och intrång. En kvalitativ studie om hur generation Z uppfattar sin integritet vid riktad reklam online.
(2024-03-01)In today's society, the internet is an integral part of people's everyday lives, where every digital interaction creates a unique imprint. Through our online activities, we are carefully tracked and analyzed by various ... -
The joke is on you. En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av partiskheten i den svenska dagspressen 1952-1992
(2024-03-01)Satire plays an essential role in propaganda and is used to criticize power by ridicule and folly. Today, we rarely see political cartoons in the Swedish daily press, but it hasn’t always been that way. Research has shown ... -
Sexistisk reklam i influencers personliga kanaler. En kvalitativ intervjustudie om unga människors uppfattning och värdering av influencer-reklam på det sociala mediet Instagram
(2024-03-01)This study examines what perspectives there are among young Swedish adults and how they perceive sexist content on Swedish influencers´ personal Instagram accounts in relation to gender-discriminatory advertising. To do ... -
Vi och “svenskarna”. En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hur grupptillhörigheter påverkar skildringar i högeralternativa medier
(2024-03-01)This thesis aims to determine if there is a difference in how right-wing alternative media portrays perpetrators and victims based on their ethnicity, and how this potential difference manifests itself. The study’s ... -
Ditt vittnesmål i mordrättegången – finns där poddar finns. En kritisk diskursanalys av tre svenska kommersiella true crime-podcasts etiska förhållningssätt till brottsoffer
(2024-03-01)The purpose of this study is to examine how victims are portrayed in three swedish commercial true crime podcasts. Journalistic ethics in relation to how the victim and the perpetrator was portrayed in the podcasts was ... -
Drag i debatten
(2024-03-01)This quantitative content analysis, with a theoretical framework based on framing theory and Hallin’s Spheres, studies how Swedish newspapers reported on a debate surrounding Drag Story Hour (DSH) and the Sweden Democrats ... -
Jagande kulturjournalistik
(2024-03-01)This study seeks to describe to what extent, and how, the writer has been present in articles within the cultural sections of Swedish daily newspapers Dagens Nyheter (DN) and Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) from 1997 to 2022. ... -
Byline: Ex Machina
(2024-02-28)The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives and workplaces, exemplified by the launch of the ChatGPT language model on November 30, 2022, has prompted questions about its role in journalism. ... -
För oss var det hela världen
(2024-02-28)The purpose of this study is to examine how individuals who have filed a complaint to the Swedish media accountability system and won their case, have experienced the process and whether or not they have gained redemption ... -
Misstänkta mörderskor i svensk press
(2024-02-28)There is an ideal picture of how women should be, and female offenders deviate from these conceptions linked to normative femininity (Lander, 2003). Women who commit murder are therefore considered unusual and often ... -
Är ledarsidorna partipressens sista andetag?
(2024-02-28)In the following study the subject of party press within the editorial pages will be researched. The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether papers with different political and ideological standings prioritize ... -
Fyra av fem stjärnor
(2024-02-28)Aim of thesis: The purpose of this study is to explore how today's music criticism is expressed in Swedish media and whether the geographical proximity to musical acts can influence the character of the music review. To ... -
Push it to the limit
(2024-02-28)Today, push notifications are arguably an essential part of regular people’s daily news consumption. This could not have been said only a few years ago – the evolution has taken place under a short period of time, and ... -
Jämställdhetens isberg. Den djupgående könsklyftan för experter i media
(2024-02-28)This study investigates gender disparities in media representation, specifically focusing on the space given to male and female experts in Swedish newspapers. Despite a population evenly split between genders, other ... -
Smörja i farvattnet. En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svensk tryckt press rapportering om oljeläckaget från haveristen Marco Polo
(2024-02-28)This bachelor thesis is aiming to explore the ways in which Swedish newspapers are framing the incident of the TT-Line ferry Marco Polo’s oil spillage in the Baltic Sea. It is also aiming to explore if there are any ... -
Yttrandefrihet eller attack mot muslimer? En studie om hur koranbränningarna har gestaltats i svenska och arabiskspråkiga medier
(2024-02-27)The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about how the Quran burnings that took place in Sweden 2023 have been framed in Swedish contra Arabic newspapers. The intention is to examine the frequency of different ... -
Dålig PR är bra PR. En kvalitativ intervjustudie om trovärdighet och förtroende för Public Relations
(2023-11-17)Executive summary PR, short for public relations, has become a word associated with manipulation, propaganda and often characterized by low trust and low credibility according to research. Associating PR with lies or ... -
Nutshell Paragraphs, Fact-Base or Propaganda: How Do Nutshell paragraphs in five news media reflect an international crisis?
(2023-10-10)Abstract Thesis: 15 hp Program and/or course: Master’s program in Investigative Journalism (MIJ), Master´s thesis in Investigative Journalism, JU2603 Level: Second Cycle Semester/year: St/2023 Supervisor: Mathias ... -
“HYRAN VERKAR INTE VARA ETT PROBLEM GIVET ANTALET INTRESSENTER VI HAFT”. En kritisk diskursanalys av mediernas makt över en gentrifieringsprocess utifrån fallet Möllevången
(2023-10-03)Executive summary Sweden has gone from having the most regulated housing-market in Europe, to having one of the most liberal and market oriented ones in just 30 years. This has a great impact on the everyday life of the ... -
”VARFÖR SKA JAG STIRRA MIG BLIND PÅ EN KROPPSDEL NÄR JAG HAR EN KROPP SOM FUNGERAR?”. En kvalitativ fokusgruppstudie om kvinnor ur olika generationers åsikter och tankar kring skönhetsideal, baserat på medieutbudet under uppväxten.
(2023-10-03)Executive summary The purpose of this essay is to examine women’s perceptions from different generations linked to beauty ideals and the media selection during their childhood. To achieve the purpose of this study, ...