Now showing items 271-276 of 276
KAN MAN KÖPA SIG FRI? En kvalitativ studie om två generationers attityder till riktad reklam och möjligheten att köpa sig fri från riktad reklam
In October 2023, Meta introduced a paid service that gave users the option to pay to avoid
targeted advertising in their Instagram feed. Previous research has studied how different
generations perceive targeted advertising, ...
”MEN JAG SÅG DET PÅ TIKTOK...”. En kvalitativ studie i ungdomars förhållningssätt till desinformation på Tiktok
In today's society, social media is a significant part of most people's lives, especially among
the younger generation. TikTok is a relatively new platform that has become very popular
since its launch in 2018. This is ...
“WE ARE CAIA”. En kvalitativ multimodal semiotisk analys om hur Caia Cosmetics, tillsammans med Bianca Ingrosso som influencer skapar varumärkesidentitet och -gemenskap.
In today's digital landscape, social media has become a key platform for companies to build and
maintain strong brand communities. This thesis aims to explore how Caia Cosmetics, a leading beauty
brand, utilizes social ...
"HAR NI ÄNDRAT SENSITIVITY?”. SVT:s gestaltningar av gaming ur ett subkulturellt perspektiv
Our study is a qualitative textual analysis of how Sveriges Television (SVT) portrays digital
gaming—something we refer to as just "gaming" in our research—from a subcultural
perspective. We contend that there is an ...
”DET FINNS SÅ MÅNGA BÖCKER OCH SÅ LITE TID”. En kvalitativ intervjustudie om användningen av tryckta böcker, e-böcker och ljudböcker
Nowadays, you can have an entire library in your pocket. The digitalization has contributed to a wide
range of ways to consume literature and made it possible for users to choose between different types
of formats. Apart ...
”TÄNK PÅ ERA GRANNAR – DET STINKER NÄR DEN BRINNER”. En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om gestaltningarna av påskupploppen i Sverige 2022 och upploppen i Danmark 2019
During the easter of 2022, Sweden was met with various riots near numerous Swedish cities.
The riots were due to various Quran-burnings that had taken place at the same time. Three
years earlier, similar events had taken ...