Now showing items 1-4 of 4
En vass striker eller anfallare? En kandidatuppsats om lånordens förekomst i svenska fotbollstexter
Authors: Philip Trollér & Jasmin Frljevic
Title: A sharp striker or forward
Level: Bachelor of Journalism
Location: University of Gothenburg
Language: Swedish
Number of pages: 62
All throughout time the Swedish ...
Hålet i marken En studie av hur Norrland och ”norrlänningar” framställs i rikstäckande public service-nyheter
In this study we have explored how Norrland and ”norrlandians” are portrayed in national public service
news media. The method we have used is the qualitative textual analysis ECA (Ethnographic Content Analysis).
This ...
KVINNLIG SJÄLVTÄNKARE REGERAR MED FAX - en kritisk diskursanalys på mediebilden av Margot Wallström.
In this study we have looked at medias portrayal of Margot Wallström with the ambition to explore how female polititicans are portrayed in Swedish media. We have done this by a critical discourse analysis on articles from ...
UNDER YTAN Fredrik Reinfeldt och Stefan Löfven i en komparativ bildstudie
Title: Under the surface - Fredrik Reinfeldt and Stefan Löfven in a comparative photo study
Authors: Jon Demred, Fanny Wijk & Olivia Wikström
Level: Bachelor of Journalism
Location: University of Gothenburg
Language: ...