Now showing items 1-10 of 56
Fyra av fem stjärnor
Aim of thesis: The purpose of this study is to explore how today's music criticism is
expressed in Swedish media and whether the geographical proximity to musical acts can
influence the character of the music review. To ...
Misstänkta mörderskor i svensk press
There is an ideal picture of how women should be, and female offenders deviate from these
conceptions linked to normative femininity (Lander, 2003). Women who commit murder are
therefore considered unusual and often ...
Byline: Ex Machina
The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives and workplaces,
exemplified by the launch of the ChatGPT language model on November 30, 2022, has
prompted questions about its role in journalism. ...
Yttrandefrihet eller attack mot muslimer? En studie om hur koranbränningarna har gestaltats i svenska och arabiskspråkiga medier
The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about how the Quran burnings that took place
in Sweden 2023 have been framed in Swedish contra Arabic newspapers. The intention is to
examine the frequency of different ...
För oss var det hela världen
The purpose of this study is to examine how individuals who have filed a complaint to the
Swedish media accountability system and won their case, have experienced the process and
whether or not they have gained redemption ...
Push it to the limit
Today, push notifications are arguably an essential part of regular people’s daily news
consumption. This could not have been said only a few years ago – the evolution has taken
place under a short period of time, and ...
Är ledarsidorna partipressens sista andetag?
In the following study the subject of party press within the editorial pages will be researched.
The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether papers with different political and ideological
standings prioritize ...
Vi och “svenskarna”. En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hur grupptillhörigheter påverkar skildringar i högeralternativa medier
This thesis aims to determine if there is a difference in how right-wing alternative media
portrays perpetrators and victims based on their ethnicity, and how this potential difference
manifests itself. The study’s ...
(MAR)DRÖMMARNAS MONUMENT? En kvalitativ argumentations- och retorikanalys av kulturdebatten kring konstverket Drömmarnas monument.
When the public artwork Drömmarnas monument was installed at Götaplatsen in Gothenburg in
the summer of 2023, it became the starting point for one of Gothenburg's most talked about and
controversial cultural events. ...
Jagande kulturjournalistik
This study seeks to describe to what extent, and how, the writer has been present in articles
within the cultural sections of Swedish daily newspapers Dagens Nyheter (DN) and Svenska
Dagbladet (SvD) from 1997 to 2022. ...