Now showing items 1-10 of 34
SPEGLA VERKLIGHETEN ELLER DET VACKRA, LYCKLIGA LIVET? En kvantitativ studie om medelålders kvinnors attityder till normbrytande- och stereotypisk kvinnlig klädreklam.
Executive summary
The advertising industry is growing more than ever and is thought to be one of the most
influential institutions in society by some researchers. What’s even more interesting is the
connection between ...
PICTURE-NOT-SO-PERFECT? En semiotisk bildanalys av hur Instagramanvändare gestaltar verkligheten under hashtagen #Instagramvsreality
Executive summary
Social media has become a huge part of everyday life. With it, editing and manipulation of
images to post online has increased. Several studies have proven that retouched images can
have a great ...
Partiet som kom in i värmen - En kvantitativ undersökning av hur gestaltningen av det populistiska partiet Sverigedemokraterna har förändrats över tid
Aim of thesis: The purpose of this study is to explore how the Swedish populist party, the
Swedish Democrats, have been framed in the morning newspapers and in the evening
newspapers one week before the Swedish election ...
När skandalen faller mellan stolarna - En kvantitativ jämförelse- och innehållsanalys av två svenska politiska skandaler
Title: "When the scandle falls through the cracks" - A quantitative comparison- and content analysis of two Swedish political scandals
Authors: Hugo Göthberg, Josefin Bengtsson and Yasmine Christensson Kavur
Level: ...
Högerpopulisten på besök
Title: The right-wing populist visits - A critical discourse analysis of Swedish
newspapers' portrayal of the easter riots.
Authors: Emelie Nilsson
Level: Bachelor thesis in Journalism
Term: HT 2022
Supervisor: ...
“HYRAN VERKAR INTE VARA ETT PROBLEM GIVET ANTALET INTRESSENTER VI HAFT”. En kritisk diskursanalys av mediernas makt över en gentrifieringsprocess utifrån fallet Möllevången
Executive summary
Sweden has gone from having the most regulated housing-market in Europe, to having one of
the most liberal and market oriented ones in just 30 years. This has a great impact on the
everyday life of the ...
TIKTOK: EN PRODUKT AV GENERATION Z - En kvalitativ studie som utreder hur och varför Sveriges Generation Z använder Tiktok.
Executive summary
We are constantly online in this new digital world, always reachable through numeral devises
and plattforms. For older generations there has taken some time to adjust, but for one generation
this ...
”UTAN TV-BOLAGEN SKULLE HELA INDUSTRIN DÖ” - En kvalitativ studie om sportmediernas roll som aktör i sportvärlden; mitt emellan idrotten, marknaden, publiken och demokratin
Executive summary
The aim of this study is to investigate what influence media consider having on their own
sports media content, and on the breadth, democracy, equality and survival of sports in the
future. This was ...
Svara på frågan! En samtalsanalytisk studie om intervjutekniker i Agenda och 30 minuter
Title: Answer the question! - A Conversation Analytical Study of interview
techniques in the program Agenda and 30 minutes.
Authors: Elin Dahlström, Laura Vandelin och Tove Mattsson
Level: Bachelor thesis in ...
EN UNDERFÖRSTÅDD ÖVERENSKOMMELSE - En kvalitativ studie om två generationers attityder till riktad reklam ur ett integritetsperspektiv
Executive summary
A challenge for every digital marketing company is reaching out in the so-called “media
noise”. Therefore, targeted advertising can be seen as a natural part of all social media user's
everyday life. ...