Now showing items 1-10 of 72
Så kallade "klimatförändringar" - En kombinerad kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om klimatskepticism i de alternativa medierna Fria Tider och Samhällsnytt
There is a growing interest and understanding of the global climate crisis and the effect that it has on the world. Through this growing interest, there has correspondingly been an increased amount of
attention that the ...
Corporations, Social Movements, and Social Media. Investigating Corporate Engagement with the Black Lives Matter Movement on Twitter.
The thesis investigates to what extent corporations engage with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement on Twitter. The purpose is to facilitate a better understanding of corporate communication on social media in general, ...
Mapped: How Activists Shaped the Face of the British Isles
This essay explores the methodology used to produce the investigative report Mapped: How Activists Shaped the Face of the British Isles, evaluating whether or not the project was effective in fulfilling its purpose, and ...
Den obrydda generationen? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om ungas nyhetsvanor under coronakrisen
During the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden, the younger generation has been portrayed by the
media as an unconcerned group that doesn't follow the Covid-19 restrictions issued by the
Public Health Agency of Sweden and the ...
Facebook in the News. A mixed-method study of how Swedish public service news represent Facebook
The aim of this study was to examine how Swedish public service media represents Facebook; a private, transnational company but also a tool for public service media (PSM) to reach its audience. The first research objective ...
"Under pressure". A study of the Swedish Public Health Agency´s crisis - and reputation management during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This study examines the Swedish Public Health Agency’s (PHA) crisis communication regarding the COVID-19 pandemic during the year of 2020. Departing from a synthesis of the frameworks of Image Repair Theory and Bureaucratic ...
MED INTEGRITETEN SOM INSATS - En kvalitativ studie om riktad reklam på Instagram
Syfte: Att undersöka hur äldre förhåller sig till riktad reklam på Instagram.
Teori: Uses and Gratifications, attitydmodellen och Communication Privacy
Management Theory, samt tidigare forskning om äldres medieanvändni ...
Klarar veganism biffen? - En studie om hur icke-köttätare tolkar altruistiska ochegoistiska budskapför veganism i medier
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att bidra med förståelse kring hur budskap tolkas beroende
på dess inramning genom att analysera hur icke-köttätare tolkar altruistiska och
egoistiska budskap om veganism i nyhetsmedierna och ...
"I'LL NEVER DO INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM HERE IN TANZANIA IN MY ENTIRE LIFE" Challenges of press freedom and female journalists in mainland Tanzania
Purpose: The aim of the study is to reflect the perceived professional identities of
female journalists in relation to investigative journalism and how much the
legislative restrictions by the state change their perceived ...
All makt åt Tegnell, vår statsepidemiolog - En kombinerat kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om mediekonstruktionen av Anders Tegnell i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter under coronapandemin.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the media construction of the State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim is to see if there is a pattern in how frequently he appears in the ...