Now showing items 1-10 of 27
Bureaucracy, Politics and Corruption
Most comparative studies on corruption are geared towards the analysis of factors dealing with the selection and the incentives of actors taking policy decisions in a state. With few exceptions, such as Rauch & Evans (2000), ...
Parties, Congress, and the Stock Market
Recent literature in both finance and political science has identified a series of
systematic patterns in the way stock market responds to significant political events.
The lack of a common theoretical core as well as ...
Dimensions of Bureaucracy: A Cross-National Dataset on the Structure and Behavior of Public Administration
Scholars have emphasized the importance of having a “Weberian bureaucracy” for the
socio-economic development of a country, but few attempts have been made to
measure public administrations according to their degree of ...
Which Dictators Produce Quality of Government?
This study deals with the effects of authoritarian regimes on state capacity or the
quality of government (QoG): do some types of dictatorship (military, monarchy,
single-party or personalist) perform better than others? ...
Why Do Some Regions in Europe Have Higher Quality of Government?
While most of the quantitative literature on quality of government involving European
countries has focused on national differences, sub-national variation has been
neglected, mainly due to the lack of data. This paper ...
Myths of Corruption Prevention: What is (not) good with a Weberian Bureaucracy?
It is often stated that the public sector should be separated from politics and that an isolated bureaucracy, in this sense, is less prone to corruption. The cornerstone of such propositions is that the activities of ...
Sub-national Quality of Government in EU Member States: Presenting the 2021 European Quality of Government Index and its relationship with Covid-19 indicators
The 2021 European Quality of Government Index (the EQI) is the largest survey ever undertaken to meas-ure perceptions of quality of government, collecting the opinions of over 129,000 respondents in a total of 208 NUTS 1 ...
The Wealth of Regions: Government Quality and Entrepreneurship in Europe
This paper argues that government quality – operationalized as the ability of government to treat all their citizens in an impartial way – levels the ‘playing field’ for economic agents with and without connections to ...
New Public Management as Trust Problem: Explaining Cross-country Differences in the Adoption of Performance-related Pay in the Public Sector
This paper aims to explain cross-country variations in a paradigmatic element of NPM reforms: the shift from low-powered incentives (i.e. flat salaries) to high-powered one (i.e. performance-related pay systems). The paper ...
Uncooperative Society, Uncooperative Politics or Both? How Trust, Polarization and Populism Explain Excess Mortality for COVID-19 across European regions
Why have some territories performed better than others in the fight against COVID-19? This paper
uses a novel dataset on excess mortality, trust and political polarization for 153 European regions to
explore the role of ...