Now showing items 1-3 of 3
The balancing act - The emotion work produced by attorneys in their everyday work life
Based on observations and in-depth interviews, this article explores the emotion work produces
by attorneys in their everyday work life, particularly in connection to client interactions.
The attorney profession is ...
Inbetween animals, humans and law – Empathy work by animal welfare inspectors in Sweden
In February 2017 I set out to explore the working conditions of ten animal welfare inspectors from two different county offices in Sweden. Reported as permeated with emotionally charged difficulties but never before ...
Emotions and Habitus-Narratives from Jewish Youth in Sweden on the relationship to Israel
This article explores the relationship between Jewishness and the state of Israel and looks at the
emotional impact on the Jewish youth and diaspora in Sweden, as expressed in eight interviews
with young Jews. Emotions ...