Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Structural Features of Bacteriophytochromes. Photoactivated Proteins studied by Serial Femtosecond Crystallography
The key to life on earth is sunlight, which reaches the planet as an energy source.
Nature has evolved different types of photoreceptor proteins to detect optimal light
conditions for biochemical processes. A type of red ...
Lipidic Cubic Phase Microcrystallization and its Application in Serial Crystallography
Every living organism contain a cell membrane which is an important cell structure with a vast variety of different functions such as cell signaling, transportation and energy production. One of the most important functions ...
Revealing the architecture and composition of the sperm flagellum tip
The eukaryotic flagellum is a membrane-bound protruding organelle with a cytoskeleton of microtubules. Flagella are found in unicellular as well as multicellular organisms, performing a variety of functions. Motile flagella ...
Computational tools for the analysis of time-resolved serial X-ray crystallography data.
Many transmembrane proteins play an essential role by facilitating energy transduction in various biological systems. Whether powered by light, as in bacteriorhodopsin or photosynthetic reaction centres, or by oxygen ...