Now showing items 31-40 of 71
Robust Design and Analysis of Automotive Collision Avoidance Algorithms
Automotive collision avoidance systems help the driver to avoid or mitigate a collision. The main objective of this project is to find a methodology to improve the performance of Volvo’s automotive collision avoidance system ...
Recovery of primal solutions from dual subgradient methods for mixed binary linear programming; a branch-and-bound approach
The main objective of this thesis is to implement and evaluate a Lagrangian
heuristic and a branch-and-bound algorithm for solving a class of mathematical
optimization problems called mixed binary linear programs. ...
Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning
Machine learning and artificial intelligence has been a hot topic the last few years, thanks to improved computational power the machine learning framework can now be applied to larger data sets. Reinforcement learning is ...
Exploring a proxy to the CDS-Bond basis
This thesis investigates the behaviour of the CDS-bond basis dur-
ing and after the 2008 nancial crisis. It is found that the basis plunges
deep into negative territory and that the theory of a zero CDS-bond
basis is ...
Effective quasiparallelogram laws on elliptic curves over number fields
We introduce the classical theory of heights on projective space and prove explicit
quasiparallelogram laws for the ordinary height and the naive height on elliptic
curves over number fields with shortWeierstrass equations. ...
Mathematical modelling of the scheduling of a production line at SKF
The main purpose of this thesis project is to nd the required sizes of the bu ers in one of the
future roller production channels in SKFs factory in Gothenburg. An integer linear programming
model for nding the best ...
Joint segmentation of multiple features with application to analysis of epilepsy and music.
Multivariate data is segmented into parts, called segments, with
common characteristics. The segments are assumed to have an under-
lying model structure. It is of interest to see whether the character-
istic changes ...
Solving Inverse PDE by the Finite Element Method
In this Master thesis project solving inverse PDE by the finite element method. An optimal control
problems subjected to PDE constraint with boundary conditions is given. Construct the variational form
then construct ...
Minimal Surfaces- A proof of Bernstein´s theorem
This thesis is meant as an introduction to the subject of minimal surfaces, i.e. surfaces
having mean curvature zero everywhere. In a physical sense, minimal surfaces can be
thought of as soap lms spanning a given wire ...
An argument principle for generalised point residues
We define a point residue for any Artinian O-modules via Hermitian free resolutions,
generalising the one dimensional residue and the classical multivariate
Grothendieck point residue. We consider various definitions of ...