Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Far-infrared conformer-specific signatures of small aromatic molecules of biological importance
Our understanding of many biological processes requires knowledge
about biomolecular structure and weak intra- and intermolecular
interactions (e.g. hydrogen bonding). Both molecular
structure and weak interactions can ...
Lärares formande av en yrkesidentitet relaterad till hållbar utveckling
Swedish schools are required to educate for sustainable development (ESD). The challenges
for the teachers are demanding as the content is controversial and complex. This study
focuses on exploring the different ways ...
Clustering and caustics in one-dimensional models of turbulent aerosols
(Göteborgs universitet, 2018)
Heavy particles suspended in turbulent fluid flows, so-called turbulent aerosols, are common in Nature and in technological applications. A prominent example is rain droplets in turbulent clouds. Due to their inertia, ...